Graphic Novel Review: The Vampire and His Pleasant Companions Vol. 1 by Marimo Ragawa (Original Story by Narise Konohara)

Albert is a vampire, but he's unable to stop himself from turning into bat each day when the sun rises, which is how he ends up getting accidentally shipped to Japan. Once there, he'll need help from the strangers who decided to take in the bat, but first he'll have to convince them that he really is a vampire.

Book Cover - The Vampire and His Pleasant Companions Vol. 1 by Marimo Ragawa
Title: The Vampire and His Pleasant Companions Vol. 1
Book Number: Volume 1
Pages: 238
My Rating: 4 Stars
More Info: Goodreads, Amazon, Publisher


*I received an ecopy of this book via Edelweiss. This has not influenced my review.*

This was so cute and funny! Just the right balance of silly, endearing, and heartstring-pulling.

Here are all the reasons I loved this:

– It had pretty art! Plus you get to look at cute guys and an adorable bat with a little chibi-esque bat face.

– It made me laugh!

– It also made me feel. I felt bad for poor Albert, the more I learned about his life as a vampire. Turned into a vampire against his will. And it wasn’t even done right, so he has no fangs and can’t control when he turns into a bat (it happens every night). Homeless and isolated and alone.

– The characters were lovable and unique and believable. Albert was only 21 when turned, and he was from a small town in Nebraska, so he was naive, lacked street smarts, and really struggled with being poorly turned and then abandoned. He was also immature in some ways (which makes sense, given the whole lack of worldly experience and having his life kind of halted at 21 thing), and noisy about his displeasure with Akira, but in an endearing and hilarious way. It helped that he was such an adorable bat half the time. Akira was a grumpypants and could be a bit harsh, but he did turn out to be sweet at times. Nukariya wasn’t as much in the story, but he seemed like a good friend who cared about Akira and was also kind to Albert.

– There was no romance in this one, but since it’s marketed as BL, I assume it’s coming. I like that it didn’t rush into romance and try to force it in before it felt right.

– I’m enjoying the story so far. This one was all about Albert ending up in Japan, getting out of jail, convincing Akira and Nukariya that he wasn’t some weird flasher/burglar, and then living with Akira while figuring out what to do with his life. The ending had an unexpected cliffhanger.

– This even includes an extra short story about Albert before he was turned that shows a bit more about his human life and his naivety.

Overall this was a bit silly sometimes, but in a way that was fun and funny without being ridiculous. The characters were lovable and unique, and the story was the perfect combo of humor and heart!

*Rating: 4 Stars // Read Date: 2021 // Format: Ebook*


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