I know my monthly updates have mostly been about games lately, but, uh… this one is also going to be about games 😅 (Also some books though!) Honestly, everything has just felt like a lot lately. So I have retreated into games. Is that the healthiest thing to do? Well, I’m chronically ill and disabled, so I don’t have a lot of options, and it’s certainly healthier than sitting around being sad or going out during a pandemic that could kill me. Truly I do think finding things that bring you joy when you’re struggling is a good thing. And there might come a day when I’m too unwell to even play games, so I want to enjoy things while I can. But this is not meant to be a downer post, so…
First I want to show off this adorable art someone drew of one of my Sun Haven characters! (The centaur body is a mod I made, but it’s on Nexus, so anyone can use it.) Look at my little guy! They drew a few people’s characters, and they’re all cute, so check out @marcitoon on Instagram for more art! They also do commissions!
Onto the next topic, I started playing Immortal Life, and it’s cute so far! The graphics are beautiful, both the 2D illustrations and the 3D when you’re walking around. The farming/fishing/etc. gameplay is chill. And the characters are sweet. And Chen Yuanzhou is so pretty. I mean—uhh, the game! The game is so pretty 🙂
I also played Storyteller! It’s free if you have Netflix (and a phone or tablet that can play it). It was a fun puzzle game!
And, probably to no one’s surprise, I played more Baldur’s Gate 3! Finished my third playthrough. I might finally put together a review soon. Believe it or not, I still have not romanced the vampire, who was half the reason I bought this game. But all the main characters are wonderful, and the sheer amount of choices and variation in dialogue is incredible.
My last character was a satyr and a bard + wild magic sorcerer, and I had so much fun with it. The Satyr Race mod (plus Horns of Faerun for the antlers and Slutty Menswear for the clothes, all on Nexus) was adorable, the musical instrument playing made for some cute and funny moments, and the wild magic effects that would sometimes happen randomly made for some fun and hilarious situations. He had a particularly fun day at the circus where he played music with some other bards, tricked a genie, ended up in a dinosaur realm that he only escaped because his wild magic (in a perfect turn of events) randomly gave him the ability to fly right when he needed it, rolled a natural 20 to open a loot chest, freed some animals from their cages, commissioned a statue of himself, did a love test with his partner, and killed an evil clown. Anyway…
I’ve been a little extra exhausted and in pain lately. It’s been so cold that my little space heaters can’t keep up, and my dysfunctional body can’t get warm, so I have trouble sleeping and have to constantly stand in front of the heater (which hurts my bad foot and hip). So I know I haven’t been the best blogger as of late, but I’m still here, still doing my best.
Blog/Bookish Updates:
Nothing this month.
Books I Received for Review:
Thank you to Saga Press / Simon & Schuster for an ARC of Court of Wanderers by Rin Chupeco! Love this cover, and I’m looking forward to queer polyamorous vampires and court intrigue.
I received an eARC of Earthflown by Frances Wren, a m/m romance / crime / climate sci-fi… I don’t know, I read some of the excerpt and it was really good, so I grabbed it lol. I don’t know if the eARC has art, but the final will have illustrations, and the art I’ve seen online so far is gorgeous.
I also got (or will be getting) a couple ARCs in the mail but don’t have photos yet, so I’ll just share the digital covers for now.
The Sins on Their Bones by Laura R. Samotin is from Wunderkind PR and Random House Canada, m/m high fantasy with angst!
Together in a Broken World by Paul Michael Winters is from Pacific & Court and NineStar Press, m/m YA post-apoc!
Books I Finished:
Only one book this month, in part because I had issues with my phone (which I use to listen to books). But I think I’m back into reading now after a brief break, so nobody panic!
If you’re considering buying one of the books below from Amazon, I’d really appreciate if you’d use my affiliate link!
Otherwordly by F.T. Lukens – This was a cute supernatural YA romance that made me say awwwww 🥺 numerous times! Also nice casual queer rep with a main character who uses they/them pronouns.
Im sorry to hear pain & cold have given you a hard time this month.. hopefully the cold will end soon and that part atleast can be resolved! But you’re absolutely right; spend all your time on things that bring you joy 🥰 its so important!
Thank you! <3
Sorry to hear you’re struggling. Just do what you enjoy and forget the rest.
PS I liked your Tweet. Don’t go on Twitter/X much any more. That’s something I don’t enjoy lol.
Thank you! 🙂 Tbh I haven’t used Twitter in a while either, that’s probably why it’s not showing my tweets to anyone lol, but that’s also not making me want to go back. So, not very smart business running.
Games are good though.
I used to live for Baldur’s Gate 2 but haven’t played 3. I remember wild magic in 2 sometimes took all your gold or other fucked up shit. But it was hilarious.
Earthflown looks amazing. I’m into climate SF lately. Can’t imagine why (looks around at world).
Anywho I joined Discord. Actually been there for years but am finally using it. I just an’t w/ Twitter anymores…
Immortal Life looks amazing. I need that.
They are! I haven’t tried the previous games, but I really recommend BG3. Wild magic can also have some less good effects, yeah. I don’t know if taking all your gold is one of them in this game, thank goodness that didn’t happen to me lol.
I haven’t really been using Twitter either, which might be why it hates me and doesn’t even show people my tweets anymore. I hate that there’s no good replacement though.
I feel like you’d love the art I’ve seen from the author of Earthflown. And Immortal Life is so pretty, maybe you’d like it!
Playing video games is definitely the way to go if it makes you feel better😁 Court of Wanderers sounds really good.
I’m glad you agree 😆 It does!
I definitely think being able to immerse yourself in games or books or whatever you enjoy is a good thing and even more necessary when you are struggling. That’s awesome someone drew artwork of your centaur character! Immortal Life looks good. I am glad to hear you’re still enjoying Baldur’s Gate 3, I heard so many good things about the game, but haven’t played it myself. I’ve been busy playing a cute cozy game called Little Gator game which I just finished. Otherworldy is on my wishlist, I look forward to your review for it!
Yeah the art is so nice, and it’s so fun seeing my character in an artist’s style! Little Gator sounds cute just from the name alone. Hopefully you’ll enjoy Otherworldly too!
Games are awesome! I play a lot of Sims because I’m obsessed. I have an F.T. Lukens book on my TBR shelf. I’ve heard good things about them. I hope you have a great March!
I’m on a Sims break because other games have taken over my life for a while lol. I’ve enjoyed a lot of their books, hopefully you’ll like it!
“Slutty Menswear for the clothes”
It’s lovely that someone drew…well, legit fanart for your character!
Games are good…whatever gives you joy and gets you through the night…or day…I hope you can at least have some respite from the cold…
They asked for people to share their characters and then picked a few to draw, I’ve never had someone else draw one of my characters for anything before! Thanks <3
You should get a heating pad. Warms my feet that are always cold pretty fast.
I don’t know much about games. The Sins on Their Bones looks good.
I actually bought a heating pad for feet! I just have to figure out where to plug it in.
It does look good and has such a great cover!
Honestly, if games are what is giving you joy right now, retreat into them as much as you need to! Life is tough, and finding those little things that provide us joy is important. Wishing you better times ahead!
That’s the way I see it! Thanks 🙂
Life is (& kind of has been) a lot of suck for awhile now. Do whatever sparks joy and we’ll enjoy reading about you doing it!
I apprently bake now so that’s what you get on my blog lol
Idk if everyone enjoys reading about it, but I’m gonna keep doing it anyway lol. Your baked goods always look delicious!
My February was bittersweet. Feb. 24th was my birthday. My mother made me a cake and my best friend stopped by to exchange Christmas and birthday gifts. Then I found out my uncle on my father’s side of the family was killed in a car wreck on my birthday.
I read Silver Return to Treasure Island by Andrew Motion. It was pretty good, but really sad at the end. Then I read the sequel by the same author. It was okay, but it had weird ending. Right now I’m reading Watchers by Dean Koontz. My mother had been bugging me to read it.
I’m still watching Disney remakes. I just watched the remake of Pinocchio. It was okay, but it also had a weird ending. I have been watching Dark Winds (season 2), The Righteous Gemstones (season 3), Sanctuary: A Witch’s Tale, The Spencer Sisters, and CSI Vegas.
Sorry, I am so behind on comments. Happy very late birthday, though I’m sorry for your loss. I haven’t seen the Pinocchio remake, I’m not even sure if I’ve seen the original. Hopefully you’ve been finding some more good movies and shows!