Bookish News: More September/October 2018 Sci-Fi/Fantasy Releases to Get Excited About


You might have noticed the start of a pattern. I do a “Month/Month Releases” post, and a month later I do a “More Month/Month Releases” post.

You’re probably thinking, “Why doesn’t Kristen just do these posts one month at a time if she’s doing one a month? This seems overly complicated, and also, these post titles are way too long.”

You are not wrong about the titles, dear reader, but the thing about these posts is, I always end up missing books. I make the post, and then I inevitably find more books from the month that already passed. When I do it this way, it gives me a chance to showcase more books I’m excited for!

Alright, now that I’m done explaining something no one asked about, let’s get to the books! Because I only have a few to share this time, but hopefully the quality will make up for the lack of quantity 😉

*Missed my first September/October 2018 new releases post? You can find it here!*

Three Mages and a Margarita by Annette Marie // Sep 14

Three Mages and a Margarita by Annette MarieBlurb:

Broke, almost homeless, and recently fired. Those are my official reasons for answering a wanted ad for a skeevy-looking bartender gig.

It went downhill the moment they asked me to do a trial shift instead of an interview—to see if I’d mesh with their “special” clientele. I think that part went great. Their customers were complete dickheads, and I was an asshole right back. That’s the definition of fitting in, right?

I expected to get thrown out on my ass. Instead, they…offered me the job?

It turns out this place isn’t a bar. It’s a guild. And the three cocky guys I drenched with a margarita during my trial? Yeah, they were mages. Either I’m exactly the kind of takes-no-shit bartender this guild needs, or there’s a good reason no one else wants to work here.

So what’s a broke girl to do? Take the job, of course—with a pay raise.

Note: The three mages are definitely sexy, but this series isn’t a reverse harem. It’s 100% fun, sassy, fast-paced urban fantasy.

My Thoughts:

I love Annette Marie’s Steel & Stone books, so I’m excited to have another urban fantasy series from her, and the description of fun and sassy is highly accurate!

Goodreads | Amazon | Author Website


Chaos Cocktail: 13 Fantasy Bar Brawls // Oct 2

Chaos Cocktail: 13 Fantasy Bar Brawls by Various AuthorsBlurb:

This isn’t your grandmother’s pub crawl…

It’s not even your crazy uncle’s kinda scene. Unless your uncle happens to be a glitter-spewing unicorn shifter, a ghost-spying vampire, a pole-dancing werewolf, or a Neolithic entrepreneur. No? Well then, you’re in for a treat! But be forewarned, even the supernatural folk can’t hold their liquor all the time. And when their kind don’t mind their Ps and Qs, things get… interesting.

Stop in for a drink at 13 fantasy watering holes brought to you by authors:

Angela Roquet
Kory M. Shrum
Liz Schulte
A.R. Wise
Monica La Porta
Christiana Miller
T.J. Brown
Shelly M. Burrows
Kathrine Pendleton
Mikel Andrews
Ashlynne Doyle
Justina Dodson
Jasie Gale

My Thoughts:

An anthology on my list? Whaaaat? I know, right? I don’t normally read anthologies because I’m not big on short stories, but if ever an anthology sounded like it would be my kinda thing… I mean, come on. Strange supernatural creatures are my jam! (And it’s only 99c to pre-order!) Bring on the pole-dancing werewolves!

Goodreads | Amazon


Creatures: The Legacy of Frankenstein // Oct 16

Creatures: The Legacy of Frankenstein by Various AuthorsBlurb:

Victor Frankenstein is the first to unlock the key to life, but not the last. Over two centuries of relentless advancement, five more minds find the secret, and five more creatures are made.

Five more stories end in tragedy.

From the stinking streets of 1850s London to the sun-drenched hysteria of a modern cruise liner, amidst passion, jealousy, art, obsession, desperation and war, Creatures is a hidden history of a forbidden science.

My Thoughts:

Another anthology on my list?? Who even am I??? I just couldn’t help myself. This one also sounds absolutely like my kinda thing because I love Frankenstein inspired stories and retellings!

Goodreads | Amazon | Publisher


Talk to me!

What September/October 2018 book releases are you looking forward to or have you already loved?


Your Thoughts


28 thoughts on “Bookish News: More September/October 2018 Sci-Fi/Fantasy Releases to Get Excited About

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  1. Greg

    Three Mages and a Margarita *nods* I’m definitely gonna read this one. It looks fun! And Chaos Cocktail looks amazing just from that cover (and I like the title too). I mean even if every story sucked lol (and I’m sure they don’t) that would look nice on a shelf. 🙂 And an anthology of urban fantasy bars?? That’s a pretty damn good idea- I’m glad someone thought of that!

    1. Kristen Burns

      It does have an awesome cover! That was what first caught my attention. And the title. Although I thought you were gonna say that even if all the stories sucked, they’d still be about weird supernaturals having bar fights, therefore how bad could they be, haha.

          1. Greg

            Right? They have a ton too, nature backgrounds and cities and stuff. I lost a half hour scrolling through and sampling different ones . And I guess my reply DID show up, so disregard if a duplicate shows up

            1. Kristen Burns

              Yeah, sorry for the confusion, it’s just set that I need to approve comments if they have two or more links (for spam reasons)! But yeah I’ll have to save that youtube link in case I can use any of those for background while writing or something!

    1. Kristen Burns

      I just have this Murphy’s Law sort of problem that my post gets published, and THEN I inevitably find out about more great books that are coming out lol. I love the cover for that one too!

  2. Lola

    I already read Three Mages and a margarita and really enjoyed that one. You have me curious about Chaos Cocktail, that sounds fun. Will have to check if it’s on Kobo. Especially for that 99 cents price it’s worth giving a try.

    I am waiting on the Pets in Space 3 anthology that releases early October as the earlier two Pets in Space anthologies were great. And my 5 star read Building Forever by Kelly Jensen, that I read this month is an October release. Oh and the second Pirates of Felicity book releases next month. And my current read is an October release as well. And I am sure I am forgetting some.

    1. Kristen Burns

      It does sound like fun! Idk about Kobo :-/ but I thought 99c was worth it too, so I’ve preordered XD

      Ooh lots of releases for you in October! The end of year seems to have a lot of great book releases!

  3. Louise

    Ohhh, The Legacy of Frankenstein sounds sooooo good! I haven’t read many Frankenstein retellings or inspired stories apart from things that are loosely based on it, so I’m really excited for that one 🙂

  4. Olivia Roach

    Why of WHY did I decide to stop reading anthologies? Those two sound so good DD: I love that a bar crawl is sort of included in a book. The idea itself is kind of entertaining and I feel like the stories will be too. And anything Frankenstein-ish has GIMME feels for me, so I sort of want to read that anthology despite my no anthology rule DD:

  5. Becky @ A Fool's Ingenuity

    Three Mages and a Magarita sounds like my perfect book. If I could have a cocktail in hand whilst reading even better! And CHaos Cocktail! I am totally there for these books involving alcohol in their titles even if it does make me want to have a tasty cocktail in hand as well. I don’t even care what they’re about.