Bookish Musings: Opening Lines (6) – The Quiz Version!


This is my sixth post about opening lines (obviously), and I thought I’d switch it up a bit by making it a quiz! See if you can correctly guess which opening line goes with which book, based on covers and titles. I tried to choose books with opening lines that aren’t too vague, but also not too obvious. Had to make a bit tricky 😉

I didn’t use one of those quiz makers, it’s just hidden answers. You can either look at each group of five and try to match them all before the reveal, or you can narrow it down going one by one. It’s just a blog post, there are no rules. You can even skip the quiz and just look at the quotes if you want. But let me know how well you did in a comment if you do try!

Dali by E.M. HamillThe Mars House by Natasha PulleyBlood Moon by Nazri NoorCascade Failure by L.M. SagasMoon Flower by Christina Lee


London always flooded, had done for decades.

Answer: The Mars House by Natasha Pulley [ My Review ]


Somewhere in Jal’s file was a note from an old crewmate that read, Jalsen Red will either be the reason you die, or the reason you live.

Answer: Cascade Failure by L.M. Sagas [ My Review ]


Human beings are assholes.

Answer: Dali by E.M. Hamill [ My Review ]


A werewolf and a vampire walk into a bar.

Answer: Blood Moon by Nazri Noor [ My Review ]


Galen’s cheek scraped against the stone wall in the alleyway beside the tavern.

Answer: Moon Flower by Christina Lee [ My Review ]

Otherworldly by FT LukensDead Collections by Isaac FellmanCrown of Aster by Emmaline StrangeThe Voyages of Trueblood Cay by Suanne LaqueurHymn of Memory by S. Jean


The morning tasted of false spring.

Answer: Crown of Aster by Emmaline Strange [ My Thoughts on Goodreads ]


Morgan drew his fingers softly across the death shroud covering the deceased and sparks of memories ignited against his touch.

Answer: Hymn of Memory by S. Jean [ My Review ]


The Kheiron flew west across the desert with a human boy on his back.

Answer: The Voyages of Trueblood Cay by Suanne Laqueur [ My Review ]


In the middle of a collection of cornfields, in the middle of the country, in the middle of nowhere, a weathered wooden post marked the intersection of two roads.

Answer: Otherworldly by FT Lukens [ My Review ]


When I was training to become an archivist, my mentor told me, “A thing is just a slow event.”

Answer: Dead Collections by Isaac Fellman [ My Review ]

Just some brief thoughts (don’t read this if you haven’t finished guessing)… I tried to do the quiz myself and consider what I might’ve guessed if I didn’t already know, and I think I would’ve gotten some wrong. Ultimately I think most of them do make sense with their cover and/or title once you know, as well as their story, in some way or another. Well, except maybe Moon Flower, that’s the hardest to match based on title/cover, but that’s ok. The one I find most intriguing from the first line alone (which, I must reiterate, is not the most important thing about a book, just fun to look at) is Cascade Failure. I love the way its written, and it makes me curious about the character. Dead Collections also has an intriguing first line. Blood Moon and Dali have very concise lines, but both fit the tone of the book and the POV character. These are all good though, and I enjoyed all these books!

More Opening Lines Posts

Bookish Musings: Opening Lines
Bookish Musings: Opening Lines (2)
Bookish Musings: Opening Lines (3)
Bookish Musings: Opening Lines (4)
Bookish Musings: Opening Lines (5)
Bookish Musings: Opening Lines (6) – The Quiz Version!
Bookish Musings: Opening Lines (7)


Talk to me!

Which one of these opening lines is your favorite or intrigued you most?
How well did you do if you tried to guess?


Your Thoughts


6 thoughts on “Bookish Musings: Opening Lines (6) – The Quiz Version!

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  1. Roberta R.

    I like the opening lines of Otherwordly and Crown of Aster! I have to say, though, I only got 3 right LOL. I love how you formatted the post!

  2. Kristina

    I love those! Even if I have no clue what those books are, just now seeing them, it was fun trying to march them! Ithink I got like 4 right 🤣 not alot, but decent i feel.