Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Female Characters from Books I’ve Read This Year (2015)

Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Female Characters from Books I’ve Read This Year (2015)

It's actually not often that I find female characters I love or even like. It's not that I don't like females---I am one! But I don't seem to relate to them as often in books. Maybe it's just how they're written, what with all the pressure there is on writing females. That's why, when I do find one I like, I get ridiculously excited and obsess over them. And I'm so happy to found a few amazing...
Cover Characteristics: Book Covers featuring Beds

Cover Characteristics: Book Covers featuring Beds

In doing this meme I have discovered there are certain things that are just not often on book covers. Beds is one of those things. I went through a lot of covers thinking things to myself such as, "I'm like 60% that's a bed she's lying on," and imagining beds where there probably weren't any. I did manage to find some good ones though. None of them are really the style of cover that I personally...
Updates & Info: The Weekly Update (11)

Updates & Info: The Weekly Update (11)

Happy late Thanksgiving/unofficial start of the holiday season to everyone! Did everyone have a good Thanksgiving? Did everyone survive Black Friday without being trampled? Did anyone actually go out at midnight on Thanksgiving? (Don't even get me started about that. Pretty soon Black Friday will be starting in August.) I actually did not even leave the house on Friday. No thank you, mobs. I'm...
Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Reasons I’m Thankful for Books

Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Reasons I’m Thankful for Books

I think it goes without saying that all of us book lovers are thankful for books, but how often do we actually stop to think about it? I'm thankful for every writer, every editor, every publisher, every artist, every supportive friend and family member, every inventor, every teacher, every translator, every reader, and every single person throughout time who has impacted and influenced things to...
Cover Characteristics: Book Covers featuring Fish

Cover Characteristics: Book Covers featuring Fish

I'm really excited about this week's cover characteristic (Do I say that every week? I feel like I probably do.), which is odd because I don't like fish. I don't like how they smell, how they taste, how they feel. I dislike fishing even more. What I do like, however, are the book covers I found! Some of them are actually some of my all-time favorites. It was a little difficult to find TEN good...
Updates & Info: The Weekly Update (10)

Updates & Info: The Weekly Update (10)

I know everyone keeps saying things like this, but I can't believe November is almost over! It feels like December has snuck up on me before I could get done any of the things I needed to before the coming month. *Sigh* I did have a pretty good bookish week though! I tried something new, I read some good books, I spent a few hours at the bookstore, and I delivered on the sci-fi reviews I...
Book Review: The Eve (The Eden Trilogy Book 3) by Keary Taylor

Book Review: The Eve (The Eden Trilogy Book 3) by Keary Taylor

For the first time since The Evolution, the colony has a plan and humanity actually has a chance to beat the Bane. The scientists and leaders at New Eden work on building what they need, Eve, Avian, West, and others go on a mission of their own to get supplies and find Eve's sister, and everyone hopes for the best but prepares for the worst as they get ready for their last shot at a...