Random Musings: My Favorite Things (But Not the Ones You Think)

Random Musings: My Favorite Things (But Not the Ones You Think)

It's my ninth blogiversary! Or it will be in a few days. It's also 8:15 pm, and I totally forgot I needed to make this post by midnight or so. A little peek behind the curtain lol. Anyway, nine years is longer than most things I've done in my life. (And that's nine years since I started this blog. Abandoned blogs before this one don't count.) I've said before that I was always someone who...
Game Reviews: 3 Unique Puzzle Games to Try – Storyteller // Scribblenauts // Hue

Game Reviews: 3 Unique Puzzle Games to Try – Storyteller // Scribblenauts // Hue

It's been a while since I've reviewed any games, because I've pretty much been playing one game for about seven months now. (Wow, I didn't even realize it's been that long!) But I have a list of a whole bunch of games I always meant to post reviews for. So here are some of those reviews, three games that have some really creative and interesting puzzle solving...
Update: Life and Books (June 2024)

Update: Life and Books (June 2024)

Another month of nothing. Just being tired and having all the usual aches and pains and worrying about things. But when I wasn't doing that (or rather, while I was doing that, since I'm always doing that) I was playing more Baldur's Gate 3. I would say I'm sorry that's all I've talked about for like six months, but I'm not. It's just so good. Here's a picture of Wyll trying to convince a guard to...
Book Recs: 10 Beautiful, Colorful, Queer SFF Graphic Novels

Book Recs: 10 Beautiful, Colorful, Queer SFF Graphic Novels

Wow, that was a lot of adjectives. But I wanted everyone to know these graphic novels are not only queer, and not only sci-fi/fantasy, they are also very aesthetically pleasing. To me, at least. And all in color! Some of my favorite graphic novels are in black and white, so no disrespect toward that choice, but colorful comics can be a real feast for the eyeballs. Maybe I can do beautiful black...