Love to Listen: 5 Funny SFF Podcasts to Check Out (2) – Dungeons & Daddies, Who Killed Avril Lavigne?, The Two Princes, & More

Love to Listen: 5 Funny SFF Podcasts to Check Out (2) – Dungeons & Daddies, Who Killed Avril Lavigne?, The Two Princes, & More

Two years ago I recommended some funny sci-fi/fantasy podcasts, and I'm back with more! I started listening to podcasts because of a head nerve problem I developed, I needed things to listen to that didn't require looking at, but now I just really like podcasts. I like having something when I need a break from books. I like bingeing them, but I also like being caught up and having a new...
Love to Listen: Audio Drama Reviews – Peter Pan, Interview with the Robot, Beezer

Love to Listen: Audio Drama Reviews – Peter Pan, Interview with the Robot, Beezer

I had an Audible subscription for a few months last year, and each month they offered a selection of Audible Originals, so I had the chance to listen to a few. Me being me, I always went for the sci-fi and fantasy options! I was new to audio dramas (and still haven't listened to many), but they can be a fun break from books since they don't have narration but do have full casts and sound...
Love to Listen: 5 Funny SFF Podcasts to Check Out – Gay Future, Alba Salix: Royal Physician, Mission to ZYXX, & More

Love to Listen: 5 Funny SFF Podcasts to Check Out – Gay Future, Alba Salix: Royal Physician, Mission to ZYXX, & More

I've recently started listening to podcasts, and guess what: They're great! Well, at least, the ones I've been listening to are great. And, as you may have guessed from the title, they're also funny, and they're sci-fi/fantasy. (I have a brand, and I stick to it. What can I say.) One of these (Gay Future) I thought was hilarious from the start. One of these (Roommate from Hell) never quite...