Labeled a deserter years ago, Jal is on a space station hoping to join a crew for a ride home, but he ends up on the ship of the man who used to be his closest friend. Things are tense between them, but the crew has bigger problems when they answer a distress call and learn about something that will cause mass death if they don't stop...
Sebastian is a 16-year-old prince in a line of military leaders, but he likes wearing dresses and worries what his parents and society will think, so he pretends to be a girl and hires a young seamstress in secret. When she discovers he's a boy, she doesn't care, and they grow close as she designs dresses and they hit the town...
Gwen and Arthur (not that Gwen and Arthur, just named for them) are betrothed, but Gwen likes girls, Arthur likes boys, and they both dislike each other. But when they discover this common ground, they realize they might be able to be friends and not be as miserable as they...
Tony, high school track star, is secretly crushing on Eli, the "weird" kid who is always missing school because of an autoimmune disorder. But ghosts, werewolves, bullies, stale friendships, disabilities, neglectful parents, and the struggles of being a teen will either bring these two together or pull them...
Caleb has developed empath powers, making high school even harder, but he finds the emotions are easier to deal with around a boy named Adam. Adam, a loner dealing with depression and bullying, at first can't believe a hot football player wants to be his friend, but over time, the two grow closer and realize their feelings might even be...
Ambrose wakes from a coma on a space ship and knows his mission is to rescue his sister, but he remembers nothing about the launch, nor the info that there's another person on the ship. As time goes on and the two boys grow closer, they discover more and more strange clues that something is off about this...
Their road trip didn't go quite as planned, and Simon is still depressed. Back home in England, Simon and Baz work through relationship struggles and try to learn about a new supposed "chosen one," Penny attempts to remove a demon curse from Shepard, Agatha starts working at her dad's place, and they all try to figure out where to go next in life and what makes them...
Clock mechanic Danny, clock spirit Colton, and their friends are still trapped on an airship, being threatened into going along with plans they don't believe in. But when a greater enemy emerges, they'll have to reconsider what's right and wrong and who their allies...
Henry has a genetic condition that causes him to time travel against his will. It's not an easy life, but then he meets Clare, who already knows him from the many times his older self visited her in the past as she was growing up. This is their love...
With the country, and likely the world, ravaged by a zombie-like virus, Parker and Adam have decided to get on a boat, staying safe out on the water. But tensions grow between them when Adam wants to check out an island they keep hearing about on the radio and Parker wants to avoid people altogether because he doesn't trust...