Book Review: Starfire by Naomi Hughes

Book Review: Starfire by Naomi Hughes

Seventeen-year-old Peregrine lives on a planet surrounded by a barrier that keeps out star dragons, but he's been having strange dreams and a pull to the sky that he needs to understand, further fueled by his harm OCD and belief that his family would be safer with him not around. When a dragon breaks through the barrier, Per gets on a submarine headed for the breach to try and learn...
Quick Reviews: Waiting // Underhill // Once Upon a Western Shore // To Find Him and Love Him Again

Quick Reviews: Waiting // Underhill // Once Upon a Western Shore // To Find Him and Love Him Again

I've reviewed the previous books in this series with mini reviews on the blog, so I wanted to at least do one of these quick review posts for the rest now that I've read them. Since they all have the same "Recommended For" and mostly the same tags, I'll just do those sections once at the end. This series sort of had its ups and downs, but overall, it had a wonderful romance/relationship/family...