Fetching is setting plans into motion to war with Hispartha and free the half-orcs from human oppression, and Oats has always been ready and willing to fight, but he also has family he cares about, and his path forward is starting to seem murky. When he goes with some of his hoof to play politics, Oats realizes he has some potentially life-changing decisions to...
The Bastards have been dealt a harsh blow, and Fetching is left to clean up the mess as things only seem to go from bad to worse to even worse. She and her people are being attacked on all sides---figuratively and sometimes literally---but her hoof brothers are still by her side, even if their numbers are dwindling, and she's going to find a way to save her people or die...
Now that JT and Austin know there's an AI of Roan in existence and that it's being imprisoned by the magus Firelight, the two of them (an orc and an elf), Comet (a hacker), Buzz (a supersoldier), and Dante (JT's orc mentee) are planning on breaking her out. But Austin has a second goal: to get JT back in his life, for real this...
Jackal is a member of the Grey Bastards, a brotherhood of half-orcs who protect the Lot Lands from orcs, centaurs, and anything else that might attack. But then a half-orc wizard shows up, the chief starts making questionable decisions, and Jackal realizes everything is not as he always thought it was. As mysteries start unraveling, Jackal will have to figure out what his priorities are and who...
JT has finally found a life that isn't full of crime and thievery, and he's happy with it, until Austin shows up after two years away and pulls him into another scheme. The orc and the elf soon find themselves mixed up in more than they bargained for with a gang and a necromancer on their tail, and the history and feelings between them are only muddying things up even...