With things rapidly changing on both Loom and Nova, it's time for plans to be put into action. The Fenthri on Loom and the dragons of House Xin will have to put aside their differences with each other and among themselves and work together if they want to win against the Dragon King's might and his mate's shady...
As time goes on, Ari starts to question her decision to leave her home and go to Nova with Cvareh, but she and Petra both know they need each others' help if they're to overthrow the king. But the king has plans of his own, and his call for a Crimson Court just might turn everything upside-down. Meanwhile, Florence finally gets her chance to shine as a Revolver when she's sent on a mission with...
Ever since the dragons took over Loom, Ari has been stealing their organs for money and doing anything she can to get back at them. But one night, while attempting to cut out a dragon's heart, he wakes and offers her a boon---a wish with powerful magic behind it---if she'll take him to the Alchemist's Guild where he might find help to overthrow the king. Unable to pass up the offer, the two of...