Cover Love: Best Book Covers from Books I Read in 2024

Cover Love: Best Book Covers from Books I Read in 2024

It's that time again for book covers! I think I have fewer than usual this year, believe it it not, since I read fewer books. Still have plenty though! I've said before and will say again that a book doesn't need an expensive, perfect cover. I would rather something basic or a stock photo than an AI cover. (If you don't believe me, check out my favorite books post that will come out soon!)...
Cover Love: Book Covers with Fall Vibes

Cover Love: Book Covers with Fall Vibes

Ok, fine, to be honest, I mostly just found books with sorta orange color palettes. That counts as fall vibes, right? At least one of these has leaves on it, so that's something 😅 Anyway, most of these probably aren't fall-themed books (I've read most of them, I just don't remember what season they're set in), but they still have pretty...
Cover Love: Book Covers featuring Pomegranates

Cover Love: Book Covers featuring Pomegranates

I have had this post in my drafts for SO LONG because it is very hard to find book covers with pomegranates on them. And of course I wanted them to be sci-fi/fantasy, since that's what my blog is about. And I had to try and make sure it wasn't actually figs I was seeing (easy to tell apart in real life, not always so easy in little illustrations). And I wanted them to actually be pretty. (I...
Cover Love: Book Covers featuring Robots

Cover Love: Book Covers featuring Robots

I think I've had robots on the brain lately because of some games I've been playing, and then I came across a cool book cover with a robot, and I needed to make a blog post for Sunday, so here we are. Robuts! And I made sure to find ones that are mostly humanoid but still robot-y, no androids in human skin here....
Cover Love: Romantic Book Covers

Cover Love: Romantic Book Covers

I sort of wanted to do something for Valentine's Day (not that I'm celebrating, but I've been blogging for over seven years, I need to get ideas from somewhere), so this is what I decided on! Because book covers are fun. I have to be honest, I was a little bit lazy and mostly looked through covers I already had on my blog from previous posts. But not everyone has seen all those...
Cover Love: Book Covers featuring Babies

Cover Love: Book Covers featuring Babies

Babies make for interesting elements on book covers because, when it comes to urban fantasy, dystopian, post-apocalyptic, and other similar genres, they look so out of place. They’re just so helpless and innocent, and it makes me suddenly very concerned for their safety because they shouldn’t be around zombies and aliens and demons and other terrible creatures and people who aren’t going to...
Cover Love: Best Book Covers from Books I Read in 2022

Cover Love: Best Book Covers from Books I Read in 2022

Is it just me, or are book covers getting better? I have SO many this year. These aren't in any order. I tried to group them together by similar art styles or color, just for a nice aesthetic. And I chose a few to talk about, but I couldn't talk about them all because I'd just be repeating how pretty everything is a million times. And most of them aren't just great art, they're also great text...
Cover Love: Cover Reveal for World Running Down by Al Hess

Cover Love: Cover Reveal for World Running Down by Al Hess

I love sharing and talking about covers on my blog, so I'm excited to be part of a cover reveal today! For a queer post-apocalyptic book about a trans protagonist and an android! And not only is the cover beautiful, it was drawn by the author, which is really cool. I'm seriously loving this cover---the layout, the colors, the vibe, the font, the art itself! So without further...
Cover Love: Black, White, & Purple Book Covers

Cover Love: Black, White, & Purple Book Covers

When I was in high school, I was once on the phone with a friend, and he was trying to guess the color of my shirt. Purple used to be my least favorite color (I really don't know why, I've now realized the error of my ways and appreciate it for the beautiful color it is), so when he guessed it, I said, "Eww, I hate purple." He kept guessing and guessing, venturing into more specific and unusual...