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&Vixen 7 Trees of Stone 11:59 13 Ways to Midnight Book Four 15 Minutes 18 Wheels of Science Fiction 27 Hours 40 Souls to Keep 50 Shades of Grey 100 Miles and Vampin' A.B. Rayn A.C. Wise A.E. Marling A.F.E. Smith A.G. Howard A. H. Lee A.J. Aalto A.J. Demas A.J. Nuest A.J. Thomas A.K. Faulkner A. M. Dunnewin A.R. Kahler A. Star A.W. Exley Abandoned Things A Bargain in Silver A Bargain of Blood and Gold Abbie Zanders Abby J. Reed A Botanical Daughter About Me Abra SW A Bride of Salt and Stars Absolution Abstraction Absurdity A Case of Possession Acceptance Accessibility Accidental Alchemist A Charm of Magpies Series A Christmas Carol A Christmas Carol Retelling A Christmas Carriage Ride and Other Stories A Christmas to Die For Acid Jazz Singer A Circus of Brass and Bone A City Dreaming A Complicated Love Story Set in Space A Conjuring of Light A Criminal Magic Across the Darkling Sea A Crown of Iron & Silver Action & Adventure A Curse So Dark and Lonely Adam Binder Series Adam Christopher Adam Smith Adara Quick A Dark and Drowning Tide A Dark and Hollow Star A Darker Shade of Magic Adder and Willow Addict Aden Polydoros A Destiny of Dragons ADHD Adorable Family Adorable Found Family Adorable Friendship Adorable Relationship A Dragon of a Different Color A Draught of Ash and Wine Adriana Arrington Adrian J. Walker Adrianne Brooks Adrienne Woods Adrienne Young Adumi Nagano A Face without a Heart A Faerie's Curse A Faerie's Revenge A Faerie's Secret A Faerie Story A Ferry of Bones & Gold A Flying Affair A Fractured Infinity A Frozen Heart Afterlife Series A Gathering of Shadows A Girl's Guide to Vampires Ahmed Saadawi A House of Pomegranates A Hundred Vicious Turns Aidan Edwards Aidan Wayne Aidee Ladnier Aiden James Aiden Thomas Aileen Erin Aileen Leijten Aimee Carter Air Awakens Airplanes AJ Rose AJ Sherwood A Kiss for Santa Alana Ankh Alan Cumyn Alan Spencer Alberto Hazan Alchemystic Alcohol Alcohol Addiction Alcohol Was Not Involved Alechia Dow Alexander Soderberg Alexandra Bracken Alexandra Moody Alexandra Rowland Alexandrea Weis Alex Beecroft Alex Craft Series Alex Crespo Alex Flinn Alexis Hall Alex Lux Alex McKenna & the Geranium Deaths Alex P. Berg Alex Silver Alex Spivak Alex White Alex Woolfson Alfie Bloom and the Talisman Thief Al Hess Ali Benjamin Alice's Adventures in Wonderland Alice in Wonderland Retelling Alice Takes Back Wonderland Alice Winters Alicia Nordwell Alicia Zaloga Aliens Alien Separation Alien vs. Alien Aliette de Bodard Ali Ryecart Alisa Kwitney Alisha Piercy A Little Familiar A Little Lie Alizarin Crimson All Darling Children Allegiance Allegiant Allie Therin Allison Hoover Bartlett Allison Saft Allison Shaw Allison Van Diepen Allison Whitmore All I Want for Christmas is a Faerie Assassin?! All Souls Near & Nigh All That's Left in the World All That's Left in the World Series All That Glitters All That Glitters Series All the Birds in the Sky All the Feels All the Hidden Paths All the Rage Ally Condie Alonso Munich is Now Dead Alpha and Omega Series Alpha Divided Alpha Girl Series Alphas & Allies Alternate History Alwyn Hamilton Alyssa Wees A Magic Fierce and Bright Amanda Hocking Amanda Meuwissen A Market of Dreams and Destiny A Marvellous Light Amazing World Building Amber Gulley Ambit's Run Series Ambrosia Amelie Flechais Amelie Wen Zhao Amendments American Hippo A Midsummer Night's Dream Amour Amour A Murder of Crows Amy Bearce Amy Ewing Amy Fecteau Amy Hopkins Amy Miles Amy Patrick Amy Raby Amy Rose Capetta And He Shall Appear Andi Van Andrea Berthot Andrea Fort Andrea Weis Andrew Ashling Andrew Eliopulos Andrew Joseph White Andrew P. Mayer Androids/Cyborgs/AI Andrzej Sapkowski A Necessary Chaos An Echo in the Sorrow An Echo of Things to Come An Elephant in the Garden An Etiquette Guide to the End Times A New America Trilogy Angel Martinez Angels' Flight Angels/Nephilim Angels Before Man An Heir to Thorns and Steel A Night Never Forgotten Animal Ark Series Animal Farm Animal Instinct Animal People Anna-Marie McLemore Anna and the Apocalypse Annabelle Jacobs Annabel Pritcher Anna Dressed in Blood Anna Dressed in Blood Series Anna Katmore Annalee Newitz Anna McKerrow Anna Santos Anna Zabo Ann Christy Ann Davila Cardinal Anne Rice Annette Marie Anne Ursu Annie Bellet Ann M. Martin Ann M. Noser Announcements Category Anosmia Anthea Sharp Anthology/Collection Antlers & Adversaries Anton Strout Anya Allyn Any Way the Wind Blows Apocalypse Alley Apocalypse Now Now A Power Unbound Apples April Genevieve Tucholke A Pslam for the Wild-Built A Queer Trade Aquifer Araminta Star Matthews Arcadia Trust Series A Reason to Believe A Restless Truth Argonauts Arial Burnz Ariana Orner Ariel Kaplan Ari Marmell Ari Pluchinsky Arkwell Academy Series Arrows Art Art Book Art Book Reviews Category Artemis Invaded Arthurian Retelling Arthur M. Doweyko Artie Sievers Artifacts Dragons and Other Lethal Magic Artifice Artificial Art Ops Series Art Ops Vol. 1 Ascendance Ascension of the Orc King Asexual (Love Interest) Asexual (Main Character) Ash Ash and Quill Ashes to Ashes Ash Krafton Ashley Bennett Ashley Marie Witter Ashley Shuttleworth Ashok K. Banker Asleep A Spoonful of Magic As Shadows Fade A Stage Over Ruthless Stars Asthma A Strange and Stubborn Endurance Astrid Amara As Wings Unfurl Asylum 54.0 Asymmetric A Tale of Red Riding: Rise of the Alpha Huntress A Taste of Gold and Iron A Taste of Monsters A Thousand Nights A Thousand Pieces of You A Treason of Thorns A Triad in Three Acts: The Complete Forester Trilogy Audiobooks Audio Drama Audrey Greathouse Audrey Grey Audrey Niffenegger August Kitko and the Mechas from Space August Li Austin Chant Author Chat Category Autism Autumn Dawn Autumn M. Birt A Vampire's Christmas Carol A Vampire's Heart A Vampire's Remorse A Vampire Carol A Vampire Christmas Carol A Vampire for Christmas Ava Reid A Veiled and Hallowed Eve A Very Armitage Christmas A Very Genre Christmas A Very Vampire Christmas A Vigil in the Mourning A Vile Season A Villain for Christmas Avi Silver Avoiding Alpha AVRA-K Series A Walrus & A Gentleman A Winter Romance A Wish Upon the Stars A Witch's Feast A Wrinkle in Time Axel's Pup B.A. Tortuga B.C. Johnson B.E. Priest B. Kristin McMichael B. Pigeon Baal's Heart Series Baby Got Bite Baby Please Don't Go Bad Romance Banana Yoshimoto Banded Banded Series Bang! Bang! BOOM! Series Bang! Bang! BOOM! Vol. 1 Bang! Bang! BOOM! Vol. 2 Banished Spirits Banshee Blues Banshees Barbara Elsborg Barrow Fiend Barry James Basic Necessities BA Tortuga Battery Life Beast Charming Beautiful Beast Beautiful Demons Beautiful Disaster Beautiful Monsters Series Beautiful Series Beautiful Writing Beauty and His Beast Beauty and the Beast Beauty and the Beast Retelling Beauty and the Vampire Beauty from Pain Because You Needed Me Becca C Smith Becca Ritchie Beckoning Blood Becky Chambers Becoming Alpha Becoming Darkness Beds Before Beauty Before We Disappaer Before We Disappear Beka Westrup Believe Me Bellanok: The Reluctant Savior Bella Roccaforte Be My Love My Lord Ben Alderson Beneath the Waves Benedict Patrick Ben Galley Ben Mariner Berserker Berserkers Berserker Series Beth Bolden Betrayal's Shadow Betsy Schow Between Life and Death Series Between No More Bey Deckard Beyond the Grave Beyond the Shadows Beyond the Trees Beyond the Veil Bianca Scardoni Big Ass Shark Big Ben Big Fish Bilinda Sheehan Bill Willingham Billy Balibally Billy Lyons Binding Blood Bind the Soul Binti Binti: Home Binti: The Night Masquerade Binti Series Bird Box Birdie Lynn Birds Birds of a Feather Bisexual (Love Interest) Bisexual (Main Character) Bitten Bitter Demons Bitter Spirits Black-Winged Tuesday Black and Blue Blackbird in the Reeds Black Bird of the Gallows Black Bird of the Gallows Series Blackblood Black Box Inc. Black Box Inc. Series Black Butterfly Black City Demon Black City Dragon Black City Saint Black City Saint Series Black Dagger Brotherhood Series Blacker Than Black Blackhearts Black on Black Blackout Black Powder War Black Sky Morning Black Snow Blackwater Blackwell Blaine D. Arden Blanchland Blues Bleeding Heart Bleed Through Blessed Monsters Blind Landing Blindness Blind Space Blogging Blogging Category Blogging Musings Category Blogging Tag Post Category Blogging Tips Category Bloggy Musings Category Blogiversary Blog Tours Category Blood Blood: The Third Course Blood and Needles Blooded Blood Engines Blood Heir Blood Knot Bloodlaced Blood Ladders Trilogy Bloodlust Bloodlust & Bonnets Blood Moon Blood of Elves Blood of the Orc Prince Blood of the Orc Prince Ascension of the Orc King Blood of Wonderland Blood Pact Blood Ruby Blood Stain Series Blood Stain Vol. 1 Blood Tethered Blood Tied Bloody Acquisitions Bloom Blud Series Blue Blue-Skinned Gods Bluebell Kildare Series Blue Fire Blue Lily Lily Blue Blue Unicorn Series Bold Move Bold Strokes Bonds of Blood Series Bonds of Brass Bones and Bounties Series Bone Shop Bone to Be Wilde Boneyard Bonfire Bonnie Dee Book Covers Bookish Musings Bookish Musings Category Bookish News Category Bookish Tag Posts Category Book Recommendations Book Recs Category Book Reviews (Topic) Book Reviews Category Books Books Categry Books Covers Book Titles BookTube Bored Gay Werewolf Born of Scourge Born of Water Born to Be Wilde Both Sides of the Moon Bound Bound by a Dragon Boy Snow Bird Boys of Alabama Brad Abraham Bradley Lloyd Bradley P. Beaulieu Braineater Jones Bram Stoker Branches of Past and Future Branded Brandon Varnell Brazen Brazen Kelley Armstrong Brea Alepou Breadcrumbs Breaking Dawn Breanna Teintze Breeze Spells and Bridegrooms Brennan Gilpatrick Brenna Yovanoff Brent Lambert Brent Weeks Brian A. Hurd Brian Allan Carr Brian Allen Carr Brian Augustyn Brian D. Anderson Brian Harmon Brian K. Vaughan Brian McDonald Brianna Shrum Brian Olsen Brian Stelfreeze Brian Zepka Briarcliff Briar Lee Mitchell Bride of the Sea Brie Mine Brigade Series Brighter than Scale Swifter than Flame Bright Spark Bright Spring Bright We Burn Brigid Kemmerer Brittany Fichter Broken Broken Mirror Broken Symmetry Brood of Bones Brownie Points Bryan Camp Bryan Smith Building on a Hope Bull Bunnicula Bunny and Shark Burgandi Rakoska Burned by Magic Burning Blood Burning Bright Burning Midnight Butterflies Butterfly Butterfly of Venus By Any Other Name By Vow and Royal Bloodshed C. A. Higgins C. Greenwood C.J. Archer C.J. Hart C. J. Redwine C.K. Brooks C.L. Polk C. M. Alongi C.M. McCoy C.M. Michaels C.M. Nascosta C.N. Crawford C. Robert Cargill C. S. Pacat C.S. Poe C. T. Phipps Cadaver & Queen Cadaver & Queen Series Cady Vance CaFae Latte Series Caged: Love and Treachery on the High Seas Cages Caitlin Like Caleb James Caleb Roehrig Caleo Calista Lynne Caller Callsign Bishop Cameron Jace Camille Duplessis Can I Pet Your Werewolf? Canyons Capt. Hook - The Adventures of a Notorious Youth Captain Captive Captive Mate Captive Prince Captive Prince Trilogy Captives Caragh O'Brien Cara Nelson Cards Careened: Winter Solstice in Madierus Carey Corp Cari Z Carl-Johan Vallgren Carla Stewart Carlos Ruiz Zafon Carlton Mellick III Carmen Caine Carmen Fox Carmilla Caroline's Heart Carol Oates Carol Riggs Carolyn Turgeon Carrie Aarons Carrie Anne Noble Carrie Vaughn Carry On Carter & Lovecraft Cascade Failure Casey Eanes Cassandra Clare Cassandra Leuthold Cassandra Rose Clarke Cassie Beasley Cassie Sweet Castlevania - The Art of the Animated Series Cat Bruno Catch-22 Catch and Release Catching Echoes Catch Me When I Fall Catherine Jinks Catherine Labadie Catherine Lievens Catherine McKenzie Catherynne M. Valente Cats Caylan MacRae Cecilia Galante Cecilia Tan Cecily Von Ziegesar Cemeteries Cemetery Boys Censorship Centaurs CG Drews Chainbreaker Chana Porter Chanda Hahn Changeling Chani Lynn Feener Channel 20 Something Channel 49 Chantal Gadoury Chaos Cocktail: 13 Fantasy Bar Brawls Chaos Station Chaos Station Series Character Interview Characters Charles Dickens Charles Willeford Charlie Cochet Charlie Godwyne Charlie Human Charlie Jane Anders Charlie N. Holmberg Charlotte Amelia Poe Charm City Charmed Chase Connor Chase the Dark Chasing Rabbits Chasing Sunrise Chele Cooke Chelsea M. Cameron Chelsey Furedi Cheryl Low Chess Pieces Chester 5000 XYV Series Chester 5000 XYV Vol. 1 Chester 5000 XYV Vol. 2 Children of Blood and Bone Children Shouldn't Play with Dead Things Chimera Chip Zdarsky Chosen Chris Dubecki Chrisopher Holt Chris Roberson Chris Scofield Christa Kinde Christiana Miller Christian Baines Christina Henry Christina Lee Christine Catlin Christine Pope Christine Price Christine Prince Christmas Christmas Healing Christmas in July Christmas Spirit Christopher G. Nuttall Christopher Holt Christopher Moore Christopher Renna Chromeheart Chronicles of Nick Chronicles of the Third Realm War Series Cidney Swanson Cindy Brown Cindy Pon Circle of Thieves Circus Circus Girl the Hunter and Mirror Boy Circus Mirandus Cirque des Immortels Series City of Brass City of Crows City of Crows Series City of Fae City of Lost Souls City of the Iron Fish CK Dawn Claimed Claimed by the Orc Prince Claire Legrand Clanless Clara Coulson Clark Casey Classic Claudette Melanson Claudia Gabel Claudia Gray Claudia Herring Claus Claw Marks & Card Games Clayton Cowles Clear Sight Cloaked in Shadow Cloaks Clocks Cloudy Climes & Starless Skies Codex Born Cody Sisco Cogling Colder Than Fiction Cold Feet Colin Gigl Colin Lorimer Collared Colleen Gleason Colleen Oakes Collide Colorblindness Coming of Age Coming Up for Air Confessions of Georgia Nicholson Series Confetti Realms Confidante Connor Drexler Contemporary Romance Conviction Core Corey J. White Corpse & Crown Corpses Say the Darndest Things Courting Darkness Courting Nightfall Courtney Cole Courtney Maguire Courtney Smyth Courtney Summers Court of Broken Bonds Series Court of Nightfall Court of Wanderers Covenant Series Covenant Vol. 1 Cover Love Cover Love Category Coveted Cozy Fantasy Craig Halloran Craved Created Darkly Creatures: The Legacy of Frankenstein Creatures of Will & Temper Creepy Hollow Series Crescent City Fae Series Crescentville Haunting Crimson Painted Snow Crimson Psyche Crimson Series Crimson Vol. 1 Crisped + Sere Crissy Moss Cronin's Key Cronin's Key II Cronin's Key III Crooked Kingdom Crossed Crow Moon Crown of Aster Crowns & Ash Series Crystal Kingdom Cry Wolf Cupcakes Trinkets and Other Deadly Magic Curiosity and the Hounds of Arawn Curiosity and the Sentient's Oblation Cursebreakers Cursed Cursed at Christmas Cursed Cocktails Cursed Corpses Series Curses Foiled Again Cutting Your Teeth Cyberpunk Cynthia Diamond Cynthia Eden Cynthia Hand Cystic Fibrosis D. B. Jackson D.J. MacHale D. N. Bryn Dale Bruyer Series Dali Damnation Series Damned Either Way Damned If I Do Damned If I Don't Damned If You Do Dan & Frankie's Night of Frights Dance with a Vampire Dance with the Devil Dance with the Devil Series Dangerous Waters Dan Hanks Daniel de Lorne Daniel Kraus Danielle Koste Danielle Monsch Daniel Polansky Daniel Wallace Dani Hoots Dani Lakely Dan Poblocki Dan Rix Dan Shamble Zombie P.I. Series Dark Arts and a Daquiri Dark Awakening Dark Blood Dark Blood Saga Dark Carousel Series Dark Child of Forever Darkchylde: The Ariel Chylde Saga Dark Destinies Series Dark Devotion Darken Dark Factory Darkfall Dark Harvest Darkhaven Dark Heart of the Sun Dark Horizons Dark Lord of the Night Dark Lover Dark Moon Shallow Sea Dark Series Dark Siren Dark Tempest Darynda Jones Date Night at Union Station Dates & Disasters Date Shark Date Shark Series Date Wrecker Dating Sim Reviews Category Daughter from the Dark Daughter of the Pirate King Daughter of the Pirate King Series Daughter of the Siren Queen Daughter of the Wolf Daught of Smoke & Bone David D. Hammons David Elliott David Ferraro David R. Slayton David Valdes Davis Lavender Dawn in Damnation Dawn Kurtagich Dawn Slayer Day Boy Day Killer Day Men Series Day Men Vol. 1 Days of Blood & Starlight Dead Acre Deadbeat Druid Dead Boys Dead Collections Dead End Deadgirl Deadgirl: Ghostlight Deadgirl: Goneward Deadhead Dead Hunter Dead Indian Wars Deadlands Series Deadly Assessments Deadly Curiosities Deadly Curiosities Series Deadly Dreams Series Dead Man's Quill Dead Reign Dead Shift Dead Stars Dead to Rites Deafness / Hard of Hearing Deane Saunders-Stowe Deanna Chase Deanna Wadsworth Death's Country Death Bringer Death Rejoices Death Seeker Deb Olin Unferth Deborah Adams Deborah Blake Deceived Deck the Demon Dee Doanes Deep Blue Eternity Deep Deception Deep Deliverance Deep Desire Deep Series Defiant Defying Doomsday Defy Me Defy the Future Del Borovic Delilah S. Dawson Deliverance Delphina Henley DelSheree Gladden Demelza Carlton Demon's Dance Demon's Wrath Demons Demons Forever Depression/Anxiety Derailed Conscience Derek Landy Derek Murphy Description Desdemona Wren Desolate Destined Destiny Soria Destroyer Rising Destroy Me Detached Detox in Letters Devil's Playground Devin Greenlee Devon McCormack Devri Walls Diabetes Diamonds Diana Copland Diana Rowland Diana Wynne Jones Diane Setterfield Dianna Hartsock Dianne Novak Diary of a Haunting Dirt Nap Disappearing Nightly Disarming Donner Discarded Discount Armageddon Disney Disney Manga Tim Burton's Nightmare Before Christmas Distress Divergent Divergent Trilogy Divine Envoys Series Djinn City Djinns DNF Docile Doll Face Dollhouse Dominion Series Don't... Don't Let Go Don't Let the Forest In Don't Look Back Don't Rock the Boardwalk Don't Sleep with the Dead Don Allmon Donna J. Collins Doom Sayer Doon Doorbells at Dusk Doppelgangster Double-Crossing the Bridge DoubleThickCustard Doug Lamoreux Down with the Shine Dowser Series Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde Retelling Dracula Dracula of Stoker Family Series Dracula vs. Hitler Dragon's Path Dragon Born Serafina Series Dragonfall Dragon Fated Dragon Friend Dragons Dragons of Eternity Series Dragonvein Book 1 Dragonvein Book 2 Dragonvein Series Drain Me Dreamfire Dream On Dreams of Darkness Dreams of Gods & Monsters Dream Stalker Dream Storm Sea Dream Things True Drew Hayes Drinks Drink Slay Love Drown Drowned Country Drowning in the Dark Drowning Mermaids Drug Addiction Dryad's Vine Dryads Duncan Andrews Thrillers Series Dystopian E.C. Jarvis E.D. Wallace E.J. Russell E.J. Wenstrom E.K. Johnston E.L. James E.M. Foner E.M. Hamill E.M. Jeanmougin E.M. Prazeman E. Wambheim EAB Eagle in the Hawthorn Earthflown Eating Disorder Eating the Moon Ebenezer Echoes of Enchantment Echoes of Eternity Series Echoes of Immortality Echo Fox Eden Ashley Edward Aubry Edward W. Robertson Eerie Eidolon Eileen Wilks El Camino de las Sombras Elemental Thief Elephants Elfin Elfin Series Eli Easton Eliot Grayson Eliot Schrefer Elisabeth Tova Bailey Elise Kova Elixir Series Elizabeth Rudnick Elizabeth Silver Eliza Green Eliza Tilton Ella James Ella Summers Elle Harper Ellen Schreiber Elliot Cooper Eluded Elves Email Emerald Bound Emerald Darkness Emerald Green Emeralds Emily A. Duncan Emily Antoinette Emily Arsenault Emily Duncan Emily Hamilton Emily McGovern Emily Skrutskie Emily Tesh Emirain Emma Cornwall Emma Hamm Emma Jaye Emmaline Strange Emma Mieko Candon Emma Newman Emma V. Leech Emme Lund Emmett Nahil Emmi Lawrence Emmy Laybourne Empath Empaths Em X. Liu Endless Knight End of the Year Ennis Rook Bashe Ensnared Entwined Realms Series Eoin Colfer Epic Fantasy Epilepsy Equinox Eric A. Asher Erica Millard Eric Dinerstein Erika Swyler Erik J. Brown Erin Beaty Erin Bedford Erin Cotter Erin Hayes Erin Morgenstern Ernest Hemingway Erotica Escaping Exile Esther Dalseno Ethan & Jag Destroy the World Eule Grey Eve & Adam Eve Greenwood Eve Healy Ever After Evergreen Everina Maxwell Every Mountain Made Low Everyone Dies in the Garden of Syn Evey Brett Evocation Evolved Evonne Tsang Exo Books Ex Tenebris Eyes Eyes of the Seer F.E. Feeley Jr F. T. Lukens Fables Series Fabulism Fae & Human Relations Series Faerie Godmother Faeries/Fae Fair Game Fairy on the Rocks Fairytale League Series Fairy Tale Reform School Series Fairy Tales & Folklore Fairytales from Verania Fallen Fallocaust Fallocaust Series Familiar Spirits Series Famous Last Words FANGS Series FANGS Vol. 1 FANGS Vol. 2 Fantasy Fantasy Romance Fashion Fate & Fortune Fated Fated: Blood and Redemption Fated Series Fate of the Seer Favorite Book/Series Favorite Character Favorite Side Character Fearless Feathers Feed the Flames Feel My Pain Felix J. Leon Felix Silver Teaspoons & Witches Fell A. Marsh Feminism and Double Standards in Books Ferals Ferals #2: The Swarm Descends Ferals #3: The White Widow's Revenge Ferals Series Ferrett Steinmetz Ferris Wheels Festive Djinn Series Feverwake Series Fiendish Fight the Tide Figment Finding Our Balance Fine Lines Finian Black Finna Fiona Staples Fiona West Fiorenzo Fire Firebird Series Firebolt Fire Dancer Firelands Fire Spells Between Friends Firestarter First Grave on the Right First Watch First Year Fish Fish Out of Water Five Midnights Flash Fire Flex Flicker Flight of Magpies Flipped Flunked Flying Backwards Foamers Follow Me Down Food Fool Without a Master Forbidden Forest Foreign to You Forever Forever Between Forever Winter Forged in Magic Forging Ahead Forging Silver Into Stars For the Heart of Dragons For the Memory of Dragons Found Fountain of the Dead Four Four Roads Cross Fox and Birch Foz Meadows Fractured Fractured Darkness Fracture Me Fragile Remedy Frances Hardinge Frances White Frances Wren Frankenstein Frankenstein in Baghdad Frankenstein Retelling Frank Freudberg Frankissstein Frank Tayell Fraulein Frankenstein Freddie Kolsch Fred the Vampire Accountant Series Free Books Freedom is the Space for the Spirit Free Download Free Games Freya Marske Freydis Moon Friends in Low Places From the Shadows Frostfire Fumi Furukawa Funny Fun With Blogging Category G.P. Burdon G. Willow Wilson Gabe Cole Novoa Gabriel Gabrielle-Suzanne Barbot de Villeneuve Gabrielle Evans Gabrielle Kent Gabrielle Series Gabriel Squailia Gaia Cardinali Gail Z. Martin Galdranorn and the Fury Galen Surlak-Ramsey Gallow and Ragged Series Gambit Game Reviews Category Gamer Musings Category Games Gaming Category Gaming News Category Gardening with a Ghost Garden of Eden Garden of Thorns Gargoyle Gargoyle Knight Gargoyles Gargoyles in the Attic Gary F. Vanucci Gary of a Hundred Days Gary Paulsen Gaston Leroux Gay (Love Interest) Gay (Main Character) Gay For You (Love Interest) Gay For You (Main Character) GB Patch Games Geist Fleisch Gena D. Lutz Gena Showalter Genetic Engineering Genevieve Hudson Genevieve Jack George MacDonald George Orwell George Seaton George Williams Georgia Cates Getting Wilde Ghosts Ghosts/Spirits Ghosts of Manor House Ghostwalker Gibby Haynes Gideon the Ninth Gigi Pandian Gigi Rivers Gillian St. Kevern Gimme a Call Gina Damico Gina LaManna Gingerbread Spiced Daddy Gini Koch Girl in the Red Hood Girl in the Shadows Girl of Myth and Legend Girl of Nightmares Girl on a Wire Girl on a Wire Series Girl Over Paris Giselle Simlett Giveaways Giveaways (Books) Category Glass Faerie Glen Duncan Glen Hiershberg Glimpse Glynn Stewart Gnomes Goblin Market Retelling Goblins Goddess God of Ruin Gods Gold Goldfinch Vol. 1 Golems Golgotha Series Gone by the Board Goodbye Tsugumi Good in Bed Goodreads Gospel of the Forgotten Gossip Girl Series Grace Draven Graeme Base Graphic Novel Graphic Novel Reviews Category Graphic Novels Grave Dance Grave Expectations Grave Intentions Grave Visions Grave Witch Graveyard Guardians Series Graveyard Shift Gravity Gravity Lost Green Gregg Hurwitz Greg Keyes Gregory Lang Gregory Maguire Gris Grimly Gris Grimly's Frankenstein Grumpy Old Wizards Guarded Guardians of the Haunted Moor Gunsmoke & Glamour Gwen & Art Are Not in Love Gwenda Bond Gwen Sparks Series Gymnastics H. Duke H.E. Edgmon H. L. Macfarlane H.T. Night H2O Hackto Oshiro Hades and Persephone Retelling hailey t Hailey Turner Hair Half Bad Half Lost Half Wild Halloween Hallow Point Hamlet Hamlet Machine Hamlet Retelling Hands Hanna Dare Hannah Lynn Hannah Moskowitz Hannu Rajaniemi Hanukkah Hard Day's Knight Harmony of Seasons Series Harper Fox Harper Moon Harrow the Ninth Harry Cook Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets Harry Potter and the Cursed Child Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix Harry Potter and the Prizoner of Azkaban Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone Harry Potter Series Haunted Hearts Series Haunted Houses Have a Hellish Lousy Christmas Havelock Hawk in the Rowan Hayley Stone Healthy Relationship Heart's Blood Heartache & Hoofbeats Heart of Iron Heart of the Kraken Heart of Thorns Hearts Heartsnare Heartstrikers Series Heather Dixon Heather Hildenbrand Heather Lyons Heat Wave Heidi Belleau Heidi Heilig Heir of Fire Heir to Thorn & Flame Helen Allan Helene Dunbar Helene Wecker Helen Oyeyemi Hell Divers Hell Divers Series Hell Followed With Us Hellhounds Hellie Heat Hell is Coming Hemant Nayak Hemovore Henry Hoke Hensley Manor Hep Cats of Boise Series Here Hereafter Her Mad Hatter Her Majesty's Necromancer He Sees You When You're Sleeping Hidden Hidden Blade Hiddensee Hide Hide the Elephant Hierarchy of the Unseen High Fantasy Highfire High School Hillary Monahan His Consort His Majesty's Dragon His Master's Summons Historical Fantasy Historical Fiction Hold Hold & Hide Series Holiday in Sunset Surf Series Holidays Hollow Kingdom Holly Black Holly Evans Hoods Hook's Tale Hooked Hope(less) Horror Hotblood! A Centaur in the Old West Hotblood! Series Hot Lead Cold Iron Hot Pterodactyl Boyfriend Hounded Fire & Brimstone Hours of the Night Series House of Judges House of Kings House of Pawns House of Ravens House of Royals House of Royals Series How I Stole the Princess's White Knight and Turned Him to Villainy Howl's Moving Castle Howl at the Moon Series How the Bigfoot Won Christmas How the King of Elfhame Learned to Hate Stories How the White Trash Zombie Got Her Groove Back How to Date Dead Guys How to Ditch Dead Guys How to Howl at the Moon Humberto Ramos Humor Hunger Hurts Series Hunter: A Thieves Series Hunter of Demons Hunters & Creators Hunting Ground Huntington's Disease Huntress Moon Hurricane Butterfly Hybrid Hyde Hyde Series Hymn of Memory I.S. Belle Ice Kissed If I See You Again Tomorrow Ignite Me I Heart Robot Illusion Illusionarium I Love It When My Friends Touch Each Other's Butts Imagine Me Imitation Immemorial Year Series Immortal Divorce Court: My Ex-Wife Said Go to Hell Immortal Fire Immortal Vegas Series Immutable In Between Incarnate Incarnation Inception Inconceivable Incubi/Succubi Incubus In Darkness and Dank In Darkness Bound In Deeper Waters Infernal Providence Infinity Alchemist Influential Magic Inheritance Inheritance Series Inhibit Book 1 Iniquity Initium Injuries Ink Born Series Insanity In Silence Instinct Insurgent Intersex (Main Character) Interviews Interview With the Vampire Interview With the Vampire: Claudia's Story In the Land of Tea and Ravens In the Shadow of the Throne Into the Gray Intoxicating Magic Inversion Point Invidious Irene Preston Irene Radford Iron Cast Irresistible Magic Isaac Fellman Isaac Grisham Isaac Marion Isabeau Moon Isabel Jordan Isabel Murray It's a Vampire Christmas It Ends With Us I Want More Books About iZombie Series iZombie Vol. 1 iZombie Vol. 2 iZombie Vol. 3 iZombie Vol. 4 J.A. Armitage J. Armand J.C. Andrijeski J.E. Anckorn J. Elizabeth Hill J.J. Howard J.K. Rowling J. Kathleen Cheney J. Kierei J.L. Aarne J.L. Paul J.M. Barrie J. Marshall Freeman J.R. Rain J.R. Ward J. Scott Coatsworth J. Sheridan Le Fanu J. V. Hart Jacinta Maree Jack Jackdaw Jack L. Pyke Jack of Ravens Jack of Thorns Jack Thorne Jaclyn Dolamore Jaclyn Osborn Jacob Grey Jacob Michaels is Tired Jacob Z. Flores Jadah McCoy Jaime Castle Jake Bible Jake Halpern James A. Hunter James Crawford James Dashner James Howe James Islington James Kahn James Persichetti James Tynion IV Jamie Edmundson Jamie McGuire Jamie McKelvie Jamie Nash Jane D. Everly Jane Harvey-Berrick Jane Lindskold Janice Hardy Jasmine Bowen Jasmine Walt Jason and the Argonauts Retelling Jason June Jasper Black Jaws Jax Stuart Jay Harman Jay Lake Jay Northcote Jay Wright JB McDonald Jeanette Battista Jeanette Winterson Jeanne Skartsiaris Jeannette Arroyo Jeffe Kennedy Jeff Minerd Jeffrey J. Mariotte Jeffrey Ricker Jen Calonita Jen Hickman Jenna Black Jenna Nelson Jenn Bennett Jenn Burke Jennifer Ellison Jennifer Giesbrecht Jennifer Jenkins Jennifer L. Armentrout Jennifer M. Barry Jennifer Malone Wright Jennifer Roberson Jennifer Sommersby Jennifer W. Smith Jennifer Weiner Jennifer Wilson Jenniffer Wardell Jenn Stark Jenny B. Jones Jenny Han Jen Wang Jeremiah Jones Cowboy Sorcerer Episode 3 Jeremy Laszlo Jeremy Martin Jeremy Robinson Jeremy Scott Jesse Petersen Jess Fink Jessica Frances Jessica Khoury Jessica Sorensen Jewels Jewish Jex Lane Jill Cooper Jim C. Hines JJ Clapton Joana Lafuente Jodi Taylor Joe Eisma Joe Hill John G. Hartness John Inman John Jackson Miller John Leonard Pielmeier John Llewellyn Probert John O'Riley John Passarella John Patrick Kennedy John Polidori John Tiffany Joie Martin Jonathan Ballagh Jonathan Dunne Jonathan French Jonathan Friesen Jonathan L. Howard Jonathan Maberry Jonathon Coe Joni Mayhan Jon Messenger Jordan Castillo Price Jordan Elizabeth Jordan K. Rose Jordan L. Hawk JoSelle Vanderhooft Jose Marzan Jr. Joseph Heller Joseph Wise Josh Malerman Joshua Luna Josie Jaffrey Jovee Winters J S Grey Judgment of Mars Juli Caldwell Julie Kagawa Julie Wetzel Jun Asuka Juniper Butterworth Juniper Lake Fitzgerald Juniper Unraveling Junk Mage Justice Calling Justin Anderson Justin Cronin Justinian Huang Justin Kassab JY Yang K.A. Linde K. A. Merikan K.C. Archer K.C. McDonald K.C. Wells K. D. Edwards K. Ferrin K.H. LeMoyne K.J. Parker K.L. Hiers K. Lynn Smith K.M. Claude K. M. Szpara K.R. Conway Kaaron Warren Kacen Callender Kaitlin Corvus Kaitlyn Davis Kalayna Price Kara Jorgensen Karen Kincy Karen Miller Karen Swart Kari H. Sutherland Karina Sumner-Smith Karnessa Karpov Kinrade Kasadya Hellhound Awakened Kat Cho Kate Chopin Kate DiCamillo Kate Ellison Kate Jarvik Birch Kate Karyus Quinn Kate Leth Kate Ling Kate O'Hearn Kate Pentecost Katerina Martinez Kate Sheridan Kate Sparkes Kate van der Borgh Katharine Applegate Katharine Macdonald Katharine Sadler Katharine Turner Kathe Koja Katherine "Kitty" Katt Series Katherine Applegate Katherine Arden Katherine Diane Katherine Hurley Katherin Rundell Kathryn Lomer Katie Alender Katie Faith Katie French Katie Hamstead Katie MacAlister Katie Maxwell Katie Young Katrina Monroe Kay Berrisford Kaye Draper Kaye Thornbrugh Kayla Howarth Kayleigh Sky Keary Taylor Keen Sense Keeper of the Bees Keeper of the Peace Keeper vs. Reaper Keep Your Crowbar Handy Keezy Young Keira Andrews Keith Eldred Keith Rosson Kellan McDaniels Kelley Armstrong Kelly Carrero Kelly Jensen Kelly Madden Kelpie Kelpie Blue Kelpie Dreams Kelpies Kendare Blake Kendra Leighton Kendra Wells Ken McLeod Kenneth Oppel Kent Haruf Keri Lake Kerstin Gier Kevin Brockmeier Kevin Emerson Kevin J. Anderson Kevin James Breaux Kevin Kneupper Kevin VanHook Key Lime Sky Keys Keystone Keys to the Kingdom Khan Wong Ki Brightly Kick at the Darkness Kick at the Darkness Series Kickstarter Kick the Candle Kiera Cass Kiernan Kelly Kieron Gillen Kiersten White Kiki Hamilton Killing is My Business Kimberley Perkins Kimberly Lemming Kim Dare Kim Fielding Kim Stanley Robinson King's Lament Kingdoms of the Cursed King Pawn King Ruin Kings Rising Kira Jane Buxton Kirby Crow Kirk Zurosky Kissed by the Krampus Kissing Kiss Kiss Fang Fang Kiss of the Banshee Kit Alloway Kit Barrie Kit Brisby Kitsune Kitto Kitty-Lydia Dye Kit Vincent KJ Charles Klein-Levin Syndrome Knight Games Series Knight Moves Knight of Flames Kosoko Jackson Krakens Krakens and Lies Krampus Hates Christmas Kree Sullivan Kris Chase Series Krista Ritchie Kristen Ciccarelli Kristen Strassel Kristen Tracy Kristin Jacques Krystal Wade Krystle Jones Kyla D. Knight L.A. Gilbert L.A. Witt L.B. Gilbert L. E. DeLano L.H. Cosway L.M. Pierce L.M. Sagas L.R. Lam L.S. Biehler Labyrinth Lacey-Anne Frye Ladies Book Club Laekan Zea Kemp Laini Taylor Lakelore Lake of Voices Lana Popovic Lana Sky Landfall Landline Langley Keaton Lan Medina Last Bus to Everland Last But Not Lease Last Call at the Nightshade Lounge Last Day on Mars Last Dragon Standing Last Impressions Last Rites Laugh Out Loud Hilarious Laura E. Weymouth Laura Lam Laura R. Samotin Laura Resnick Laura Ruby Laurel Ulen Curtis Lauren Hopkins Lauren Ivey Lauren Shippen Lauren Stewart Laverne Thompson Layers of the Otherworld Series Lazy Eye Leather and Lace Leech Series Lee Hayton Lee Kelly Lee Mandelo Lee Paige O'Brien Lee Welch Left Alive #1 Left Alive #2 Left Alive #5 Left Alive Series Left Behind Legacy Legends of Dimmingwood Series Leigh Ann Kopans Leigh Bardugo Leigh Statham Leila del Duca Leo Hunt Leona Carver Leona Windwalker Leon Kemp Leprechauns Lesbian (Love Interest) Lesbian (Main Character) Les McClaine Let Me Out Letters for Lucardo Series Letters for Lucardo Vol. 1 Letters for Lucardo Vol. 2 Letting Lier and Finding Pax L Eveland Lev Grossman Leviathan Fitness Series Lewis Carroll Lex Chase Lex Croucher Lexi Blake LGBTQIA Lia Cooper Lia Davis Liar City Libba Bray Libby Drew Liberated Liberty Libriomancer Life and Limb Life as a Teenage Vampire Lifeblood Legacy Series Life of Melody Light Fantasy Elements Light Machine Like Silk Breathing Lila Bowen Lilia Blanc Lili St. Crow Lilith Lilith Saintcrow Lilo Abernathy Lily Mayne Lily Morton Lime Gelatin & Other Monsters Limp/Cane/Crutches Lina Langley Linda K. Hopkins Lin Darrow Linda Sejic Lindsay Brambles Linger Lint Boy Lionel Hart Lioness of Kell Liquid Diet Lisa Collicutt Lisa Gail Green Lisa Maxwell Lisa Medley Lisa Miranda Lisa Shearin Lissa Kasey Literary Fiction Little Elephants Little Miss Santa Claws Little Red Riding Hood Retelling Living on a Prayer Liv Rancourt Liv Savell Liz Kerin Lizzy Ford Logan Byrne Lola StVil Lonely Shore Long Grows the Dark Long Walk to Valhalla Loom Saga Lord of Eternal Night Lord of Ravens Lord of Secrets Lord of the Last Heartbeat Lorelei M. Hart Lorhainne Eckhart Lori Brighton Lorie Langdon Lorraine Beaumont Lost and Bound Lost Boy Lost Touch Louisa Klein Louise Collins Louise Rennison Lou Sylvre Lou Wilham Love Love at Second Sight Love Death and Tea Love Lights Lovesick Gods Lovesick Series Lovesick Titans Love Song for a Vampire Love to Listen Category Love Triangles Loving and Loathing Vegas Loving Blitz Low/Paranormal/Urban Fantasy Low Vision/Visual Impairment Lucas Astor Lucas Jackson Lucy Daniels Luke Smitherd Lupus Lux Lux and Lies Lyle's Story Lynda Hilburn Lyndsay Faye Lyn Gardner Lyra's Magic LySandra Vuong M-F-M M-M M-M-M M. A. Carlson M.C.A. Hogarth M. D. Cooper M.D. Young M.J. Fletcher M. K. England M.N. Arzu M.R. Pritchard M. Van M. Verano MacDeath Machinations Machine Metal Magic MacKay Mackenzi Lee Madeleine L'Engle Madeleine Nakamura Madeline Miller Mad God Walking Mad in Wonderland Series Magen Cubed Maggie Stiefvater Magic Magical Realism Magic Bitter Magic Sweet Magic Ex Libris Series Magic Fell Magic Games Magicians Impossible Magic in Manhattan Series Magic Nights Magic of Blood and Sea Magic of Thieves Magic University Series Magnus Blackwell Series Magonia Maia Sepp Maiga Doocy Make Me A Match Make Me Burn Mancers/Mages Manga Man in Black Maps Artifacts and Other Arcane Magic Marc Secchia Margaret Killjoy Marguerite Labbe Maria Alexander Maria Dahvana Headley Maria DeVivo Maria Ingrande Mora Mari Costa Marie Hall Marie Marquardt Marie Sexton Marilyn Grey Marimo Ragawa Mariner's Luck Marionette Marishka Grayson Marissa Meyer Mark Chadbourn Marked Mark Knight Mark Lesney Mark Lingane Mark Morris Mark Park and the Flume of Destiny Marla Mason Series Marlo Berliner Married with Zombies Mars Girls Marshall Thornton Martha Wells Martina McAtee Mary Calmes Maryse Meijer Mary Shelley Mary Turzillo Mary Weber Master Assassins Master of Crows Master of Crows Series Matched Matched Series Matt Brundage Matt Fraction Matt Gagnon Matthew Fox Matthew J. Kirby Matthew S. Cox Matt Powers Matt Wilson Max Gladstone Max Turner MAyor May Not May Peterson Mazarin Blues Maz Maddox McChelle Vermeulen Me & Mr. Cigar Meat: The Second Serving Media Tie-In Megan Derr Megan Shepherd Meg Bawden Meg Collett Meghan Ciana Doidge Meg Kassel Melanie Delon Melanie Schoen Melanie Tushmore Melissa Broder Melissa Graves Melissa Haag Melissa Landers Melissa McShane Melissa West Mell Eight Melody Robinette Melody Winter Memnoch the Devil Menagerie Mending Noel Mental Illness Mer-Charmer Mercedes M. Yardley Mercenary Magic Merc Fenn Wolfmoor Mercy Thompson Series Mermaid A Twist on the Classic Tale Mermaids/Mermen Merry & Sprite Merry Chris Witch Merry Elf-ing Christmas Messenger of Fear Metaphysical & Visionary Mia Monroe Michael Alan Nelson Michael Allred Michael Buckley Michael Dialynas Michael F. Haspil Michael G. Manning Michael Grant Michael Heron Michael J. Allen Michael Jensen Michael John Grist Michael Leath Michael McCord Michael Merriam Michael Morpurgo Michael Phillip Cash Michael R. Underwood Michael Seidelman Michael W. Glover Michele Gorman Michele Notaro Michelle Hodkin Michelle Lovric Michelle Madow Michelle Muto Mi Corazon Sangrante Series Middle Grade Midnight's Son Midnight at the Satyr Inn Midnight Conquest Midnight Guardians Series Mighty Quill Migraines/Headaches Mike Bockoven Mike Duran Mikhaeyla Kopievsky Mimics & Mayhem Mina Lobo Mind + Machine Series Mindee Arnett Ming Doyle Mini Reviews Category Mirrors Misadventures in Photoshop Category Mismatched Mates Series Misophonia Missing Digits Mistletoe Misty Provencher MN Bennet Molly Harper Molly Ringle Molly Tanzer Mondragoran Chronicles Mongrels Monster Love Novellas Series Moon Called Moon Crossed Moon Flower Moon Spell Morgan Wylie Mor Ichigaya Morning Glories Series Morning Glories Vol. 1 Morning Glory Milking Farm Morris Fenris Mortal Coil Mortal Ties Moth & Whisper Series Moth & Whisper Vol. 1 Motherfucking Sharks Mother May I Mountains Movie Adaptations Movies Much of Madness Mud Mummies Murder of Crows Murmuration Music Music Box Mutism My Art My Boyfriend is a Monster Book 1 My Christmas Spirit My Demonic Ghost Series My Life as a White Trash Zombie Mystery Mythology My Writing Category My Zombie Boyfriend N.P. Martin N.R. Walker Na'amen Gobert Tilahun Na'amen Tilahun Nadege Richards Nadia Scrieva Nadia Shammas Nadine Brandes Nafiza Azad Nalini Singh Nameless Naomi Hughes Naomi Novik Narcolepsy Narise Konohara Natalie Leif Natalie Whipple Natalie Wright Natasha Boyd Natasha Pulley Nathan Burgoine Nathan Tavares Nathan Van Coops Nat Kennedy Naughty Cupid Navigational Entanglements Naz Kutub Nazri Noor ND Stevenson Necromancers Nefertiti's Heart Neil Gaiman Nelou Keramati Neo Edmund Neon Yang Nesca Darks Nether Realms Neurodiversity Never Ever Neverland Never Never Never Sleep New Adult New World Rising New York 2140 New York City Nghi Vo Nice Dragons Finish Last Nice Girls Don't Date Dead Men Nicholas Sansbury Smith Nick Lake Nick Mamatas Nick Spencer Nicky Drayden Nicolas Nicole Arend Nicole Castroman Nicolette Andrews Nigel Chronicles Series Night Angel Trilogy Night Broken Nightfall Nightingale Girl Night of the Dragon Night Planes Night Sky Nightstruck Nightstruck Series Nightwish Nikki Kelly Nikki Marmery Nimona Ninety-Five Percent Human Ninety-Five Percent Human Series Ninety-Nine Righteous Men Nino Cipri Nissa Leder Nna Natsuo Nnedi Okorafor Noah Medlock Nocte Nocturnal Nocturne Noelle Marie No Good Dragon Goes Unpunished Nolan Nomad Non-Binary (Love Interest) Non-Binary (Main Character) Nonfiction No One Dies in the Garden of Syn North Pole City Tales Series North to Zombieville Norton Juster Not Over Yet Now Conjurers Nya Rawlyns Nymphs Nyxia Oaken Oak King Holly King Oak King Holly King Series Oblivion Heart Obscura Burning Obsession Obsessions of a Djinni OCD Ocean's Echo Ocean's Justice Ocean's Trial Ocotpi My Heart Odd and the Frost Giants Odder Still Of Demons and Angels Series Of Knights and Books and Falling in Love Of Sand and Malice Made Of Shadow and Stone Of the Wild Old Media Old Souls Olivia Rivers On a Midnight Clear Once Upon a Haunted Moor Once Upon a Time in the Weird West Once Upon a Western Shore Once Wicked Series One Eye One Good Dragon Deserves Another Only the Good Die Young On the Accidental Wings of Dragons On the Wings of War On Wings of Bone and Glass Open Throat Orange Orcs Organic Origin Oscar Wilde Otava Heikkila Other Other Mental Illness Other Physical Illness/Disability Other Supernatural Otherworldly Our Bloody Pearl Our Souls at Night Outcast Out of House and Home Out of the Blue Out of Underhill Series Outsystem Oxygen Series Oystaeinn P.J. Waldeck Pack Page of Tricks Paige Orwin Painted Faces Painting Pale as a Ghost Pandora Panic Attacks Pansexual (Love Interest) Pansexual (Main Character) Pantomime Paper Dolls Paper Valentine Paracosm Paradox Paradox Lost Paralyzed Paranormal Bromance Paranormal Romance Paraplegia Parlee and the Dragon Keys Parrish Passenger Patchworks Series Pat Ellis Pathway of the Chosen Series Patricia Briggs Patricia Lee Macomber Patrick Burdine Patrick Donovan Patrick Link Patrick Sheane Duncan Patrick Suskind Patrick Weekes Paula Morris Paul E. Horsman Paul Krueger Paul Meloy Paul Michael Winters Peacemaker Pedro Urvi Pendragon Series Penelope Bloom Penny Jessup Penumbra People Perfume Perilous Journey of the Not-So-Innocuous Girl Series Persephone Personal Tag Posts Category Peter & Emily The Girl from New York Peter Ackroyd Peter and Wendy Peter Benchley Peter Brown Peter Darling Peter Dawes Peter Hansen Peter Kujawinski Peter Pan Peter Pan Retelling Phase Shift Phil Tucker Phoenix Phone Calls from a Rockstar Phones Physical Illness/Disability Physical Illness/Disability turned SFF Pia Guerra Pict Picture Book Picture of Dorian Gray Picture of Dorian Gray Retelling Pieces Piper Pippa DaCosta Pirate of Fathoms Deep Plague of Angels Platinum Blood Please Don't Eat the Penguins Plugged Plume Pluralities POC Podcasts Poetry Poetry Category Poised in Either Eye Poltergeist Polterheist Portal Fantasy Post-Apocalyptic POV Practical Demonkeeping Preacher Prophet Beast Prelude for Lost Souls Prelude for Lost Souls Series Prequels Present Tense Pretty Little Dead Girls Priddy's Tale Prim & Proper Prince's Gambit Prince Lestat Princess and the Pea Retelling Princess of Tyrone Progeria Project Nought Proper Scoundrels Prosper's Demon Prosperity Prosperity Series Prosthetic/Amputation Psions of SPIRE Series Psyched Psychics/Telepaths PTSD Pulse Punderworld Series Punderworld Vol. 1 Pyre at the Eyreholme Trust Pyresnakes Pyromania Queen Queen of Hearts Queen of Hearts Series Queen of Someday Queen of the Hill Queen Takes King's Pawn Queer No Label Sexuality (Main Character) Quest for the Vampire Key Questioning Gender (Love Interest) Quick Fire Quick Reviews Category Quil Carter Quill Me Now Quinn Cameron Quinn Loftis Quotes R. C. Lewis R. Cooper R.F. Hurteau R. G. Thomas R.J. Conte R.K. Ryals R.M. Romero R. Queen R. S. Belcher Rachel Aaron Rachel Caine Rachel E. Carter Rachel Hawkins Rachel Morgan Rachel Vincent Radiance Radiate rafael nicolas Rag and Bone Rag and Bone Series Raging Sea Rainbow Rowell Rainy Kaye Raj Nellooli Ralene Burke Rambling Category Random Musings Category Ransacker Rape Trauma Syndrome Rapture Rasputin's Supernatural Dating Service Ratings Raven Ravon Silvius Rayna Vause Reached Reading Reading Category Reading Challenges Category Real Hero Shit Real Hero Shit Series Real Hero Shit Vol. 1 Realism in Books Realms of Shadow Real Vampires Do It in the Dark Real Vampires Don't Sparkle Real Vampires Don't Sparkle Series Real Vampires Take No Prisoners Reap and Redeem Reap and Repent Reap and Reveal Reapers Reaping Havoc Reaping Havoc Series Reap the Shadows Rebecca Roanhorse Rebekah Lewis Rebel Faerie Rebel of the Sands Rebel of the Sands Series Rebirth of the Seer Reborn Reclamation Reconstructionist Series Reconstructionist Short Story Bundle Red Redemption Redemption of Thieves Red Hot Steele Red Riding Hood Red Winter Reeve of Veils Reforged Released Religion Renee Ahdieh Renegades Ren Graham Repo Virtual Required Reading Rereading Rescued by the Married Monster Hunters Resonant Earth Series Restore Me Resurrection Reprise Retelling Return of the Loving Dead Reuben Miles Reveal ME Revenge Reverie Review Copies Reviews (Books) Category Reviews (Games) Category Revisionary Rhapsody for Piano and Ghost Rhett C. Bruno Rhi Etzweiler Rhonda Sermon Rhys Ford Richard A. Knaak Richard Kadrey Richard Langridge Richard Montanari Richard Roberts Richelle Mead Rick R. Reed Rick Yancey Ridley Kayne Chronicles Riley Hart Rin Chupeco Ringmaster Riot of Storm and Smoke Ripe Ripper Ripples & Waves Riptide: Betrayal of Blood Rise of the Dead Prince Rise of the Snowmen Rises the Night Rising Tide: Dark Innocence Rita A. Rubin Rites of Winter Ritual Magic Road Seven Roadside Magic RoAnna Sylver Roan Parrish Roaring Twenties Series Robber Girl Robbie Couch Rob E. Boley Robert Daicy Robert Guetteur Robert Louis Stevenson Robert M. Drake Robert Masello Robert P. Hansen Robert V.S. Redick Robert Winter Robots vs. Fairies Rochelle Hassan Rock Candy Games Rocks & Railways Rogue Magic Rogues of the Republic Series Romance Romanov Romeo & Juliet Romeo & Juliet & Vampires Romeo & Juliet Retelling Romeo and/or Juliet Rose Biggin Rose Black Ross Welford Royals and Romance Series Ruby Red Ruby Run Rue Volley Ruined Ruined Series Rules for Ghosting Rumplestiltskin Retelling Runes of Fall Runes Ruin & Redemption Running Close to the Wind Ruse Rushed Ruthless Gods Ryan Douglass Ryan Graudin Ryan La Sala Ryan LaSala Ryan North Rye Brewer S. A. Bodeen S.A. Chakraborty S. E. Babin S.E. Hinton S.E. Summa S. Gates S.H. Livernois S.J. Sindu S.J. Valfroy S. Jae-Jones S. Jean S.K. Ryder S.L. Rowland S. M. Bieko S. M. Wheeler S. Margrave S.O. Callahan S. T. Gibson Saad Z. Hossain Sabbath Sable Dark Sacrificed: Heart Beyond the Spires Saffron Alley Saga Series Saga Vol. 1 Saga Vol. 2 Saga Vol. 3 Saga Vol. 4 Saga Vol. 5 Saga Vol. 6 Saga Vol. 7 Saga Vol. 8 Saga Vol. 9 Saga Vol. 10 Saint Death Saint Juniper's Folly Saint Sebastian the Rose Sally Green Salmon and the Hazel Salt Magic Skin Magic Samantha Towle Sam Beck Sam Bowen Sam Burns Sam J. Miller Sam Thorne Sanctum 92 Santa's Naughty Boy Santa's Secret Santa's Secrets Sapphire Blue Sara Dobie Bauer Sarah Sarah Beth Durst Sarah Blakley-Cartwright Sarah Fine Sarah Gailey Sarah Gray Sarah Gruen Sarah J. Maas Sarah J. Pepper Sarah J. Sover Sarah Maria Griffin Sarah Mlynowski Sarah Noffke Sarah Rees Brennan Sarah Rose Etter Sarah Vaughn Sarah Wallace Sara Raasch Sara Saedi Sarra Cannon Sasha George Satan Claus is Coming to Town Satellite Satyrs Saving Caeorleia Series Saving Darknight Sawdust and Spangles Stories and Secrets of the Circus Scardust Scarecrow Scarlet & the White Wolf Series Scarlett Dawn Scars/Physical Differences Schizophrenia Schmuck the Buck School for Psychics School for Psychics Series School Spirits Sci-Fi Romance Science Fiction Scintillate Scoliosis Scorching Hot Scorn of Angels Scott McCormick Scott Reintgen Scott T. Goudsward Scott Warren Scott Westerfeld Scourge Scourge of the Seas of Time (and Space) Scrudge & Barley Inc. Sea Change Seanan McGuire Sea of Rust Sea Storm Sebastian Gregory Sebastian Nothwell Secondhand Skin Secondhand Souls Secret of a Butterfly Secrets of the Snow Globes Seduced by Innocence Seduced by Pain Seema Yasmin Selective Mutism Self Harm Self Published Books Selkies Selkie Sea Semi-Charmed Sera Trevor Serena Valentino Sergey & Marina Dyachenko Series Series Extra Seriously Wicked Servants of Fate Series Seth Fried Seth Haddon Seti's Heart Seventh Circle Sex Sex Criminals Series Sex Criminals Vol. 1 Sex Criminals Vol. 2 Sex Criminals Vol. 3 Sex Criminals Vol. 4 Shade Chaser Shades of Magic Series Shadow Faerie Shadow Fall Shadow Fall Series Shadow Fray Shadow Fray Series Shadow Magic Shadow Me Shadow of the Fox Shadow of the Fox Series Shadow Rise Shadow Ruin Shadows Maps and Other Ancient Magic Shadows of Asphodel Shadows of Humanity Shadowsong Shamans Shannen Crane Camp Shapeshifters Sharkbrains Shark Out of Water Sharks Sharks & Boys Sharon Gosling Sharon Kaye Sharron Riddle Shatter Me Shatter Me Series Shatterproof Shaun David Hutchinson Shaun Simon Shawna Reppert Shawn Baker Shawntelle Madison Shawn Underhill Shearwater Sheena Snow Shelley Crowley Shelley Sackier Shelly Crane Shelly Jay Shore Shelter Shepherd of Souls Sherri A. Wingler Sherrilyn Kenyon Sherry D. 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Pratt T. Aleo T. Cook T.J. Berry T. Kingfisher T.L. Shreffler T.S. Barnett T. Strange Tade Thompson Tag Posts Tahereh Mafi Tails of Stallion Ridge Collection Tainted Tainted Heart Take All of Us Taken Talbot Finch Talented Talented Series Tales from Blackthorn Briar Tales from Verania Series Tales of Aedrea Series Tales of the Forest Series Tales of the High Court Series Tales of the Tuath De Talk Under Water Tamara Rose Blodgett Tamela Miles Tammicko Claggett Tammy Farrell TA Moore Tamsyn Muir Tangled Echoes Tangled Web Taproot Tara Altebrando Tara Maya Taran Matharu Tara Sim Tarnished Tasmanian Gothic Teach the Torches to Burn Teahouse Teal Tea Leaves and Treetops Tears in Time Ted Anderson Teeth Teeth: The First Bite Teeth Series Tegan Wren Televisions Tell the Wind and Fire Temeraire Series Temper Tempest Tenaya Jayne Tentacles Tentacles & Triathlons Ten Thousand Skies Above You Terah Edun Teresa Duncan Teresa Richards Terra Harmony Terri Bruce Terry Maggert Teshelle Combs Tesla Tessa Gratton Tess Barnett Textbooks Thanksgiving That Dark Infinity That Fatal 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