Cover Characteristics: Book Covers featuring Impeccably Dressed Characters

Cover Characteristics: Book Covers featuring Impeccably Dressed Characters

You know what I learned about myself while making this post? I apparently have a thing for layers. I also have a thing for corsets, but I already knew that. Oddly enough though, I never dress anything like the way the characters on these covers dress. Seriously, basic Kristen style is solid colored shorts, a solid colored tank top, t-shirt, or long sleeved shirt, and a scarf through my belt...
Cover Characteristics: Book Covers featuring Cards

Cover Characteristics: Book Covers featuring Cards

You know what's great about the topic playing cards? They're all red and black, my favorite colors! However, I didn't end up sticking to just playing cards. I couldn't quite tell what some of the cards on covers were and just using playing card covers was limiting, so tarot cards, baseball cards---really any palm-sized cards---I also deemed appropriate. Speaking of cards though, it has been a...
Cover Characteristics: Book Covers featuring Tentacles

Cover Characteristics: Book Covers featuring Tentacles

Tentacles is kind of an odd topic for me to choose since I don't read a whole lot of books that involve tentacles. What kind of books involve tentacles anyway? Books set out at sea? Maybe books about weddings if comedian Demetri Martin were writing them? I've read a few books that had kraken in them, and one of them did in fact take place out at sea. I also read a couple of books in a series that...
Cover Characteristics: Book Covers featuring Hair

Cover Characteristics: Book Covers featuring Hair

Ok, I had way too much fun with this post. This is not the official topic this week, but I didn't care for the official topic and got inspired when I came across one cover in particular and was mesmerized by how gorgeous the character's hair was, so here we are. I happen to love long hair, I think it's pretty, so basically I just went and found a whole bunch of covers with long, flowing,...