Cover Love: Best Book Covers from Books I Read in 2022

Cover Love: Best Book Covers from Books I Read in 2022

Is it just me, or are book covers getting better? I have SO many this year. These aren't in any order. I tried to group them together by similar art styles or color, just for a nice aesthetic. And I chose a few to talk about, but I couldn't talk about them all because I'd just be repeating how pretty everything is a million times. And most of them aren't just great art, they're also great text...
Update: Life and Books (May 2022) + Mermay Art!

Update: Life and Books (May 2022) + Mermay Art!

I promised you art last month, so here it is: a starfish merman pole dancing! I think I like the bent arm better, but I made both, so I might as well share both. I struggled A LOT with the drawing of this one, but I love how the tail makes such interesting shapes, and I feel like coloring has gotten less stressful and more fun for me. I like to imagine there's a band nearby playing some pretty...
Cover Characteristics: Book Covers featuring Kissing

Cover Characteristics: Book Covers featuring Kissing

"Is this a kissing book?" Yes, child from The Princess Bride movie whose name I don't actually know, these are totally kissing books. Maybe. Actually I have no clue, but they do have kissing on the covers! The thing about book covers with kissing is, I don't have anything against them, I just don't tend to like the style of covers that feature this particular topic. Or rather, books with people...