Truly, I am running out of topics to discuss. There is no great depth to this post, I'm just gonna wing it. I've read a lot of books, some of them must've had animals, surely I can think of something to say about that. Keep reading to find...
I like fae and I like books, and I really like this tag because it has some creative questions that I've not seen in other tags. Having already done the tag (I'm writing the intro last, sorry to break the illusion), I like that I even got to talk about some books I haven't talked about much or in a while! Anyway, I found this at KBbookreviews. The rules are: - Give credit to the creator of...
As a fantasy lover who leans more to the paranormal/urban fantasy side of the genre, and who usually sticks to smaller or romance-focused stories when reading high fantasy, I don't tend to read a lot about your average scary, large, fire-breathing kind of dragon. I have, however, read some books about dragon shifters, humanoid dragons, half-dragon beings, and dragons who are otherwise somewhat...
Technically I'm a couple days early since August hasn't quite ended yet, but eh, I don't think anything noteworthy is gonna happen within the next day or two. Time is a blur this year anyway. Everything is starting to blend together. What even happened in August? Who knows! (I don't mean to make light of the terrible things that have been happening, but it's just a constant barrage, sometimes I...
I don't feel like talking about everything horrible happening in the world. I need a break. And luckily I somehow have lots of other stuff to talk about this month! I've been tentatively going by Kit on Twitter lately to see if I like it because I want something more gender neutral. (Though I found out Kristen is apparently a male name in Scandinavian countries, which is cool, if that's true.)...
My blog is five years old! (Well, a couple days ago, if we're being exact.) And although lately I haven't been blogging as much as I used to, I still love books, and I figured a fun way to celebrate my blogoversary would be to talk about my favorite books and series. I decided to stick with finished series, because that made it less complicated, but it's also all the more reason to give some...
This is just a quick, fun post because I haven't done any fun posts or discussions in a while. I had really wanted to get something else posted today, to be honest, because I have a couple posts that really ought to be posted at the beginning of the year, but oh well. My headaches have been too much of a problem lately, and those posts require too much staring at the computer screen, so hopefully...
I don't think the first line of a book has to be the absolute best. Truthfully, how many people are reading ONLY the first line and then giving up on a book? I do think a great first line can hook a reader who might've been on the fence though. And regardless, I just thought it'd be a fun idea to look at the opening lines of some different books... and have a fight to the death! Just kidding...
I've already shared with you all my favorite covers and favorite characters from books I read in 2018, so that means... it's finally time to share my favorite books! I don't know why I keep calling these posts "Top Ten" when I never manage to stop at just ten. My blog is just full of lies. It sounds good as a post title though, you know? Anyway, I'm excited, as I always am for this post, because...
As I was gathering covers for my annual best covers post, I came to the conclusion that I had too many. Competition was fierce this year, and I had to draw the line somewhere when it came to how many covers to include. But there were just so many great ones! So I decided to do a separate post for the runners up, the covers that didn't quite make it into the top 20 but were close and still deserve...