Cover Characteristics: Book Covers featuring Birds (2)

Cover Characteristics: Book Covers featuring Birds (2)

I did birds as a topic once before, but I've decided to do it again! (Hence the number two in the title.) What can I say, it was just a great topic, and there are so many book covers out there with birds on them that I wanted to share some more of them! By the way, fun fact since most of these cover seem to have crows, did you know crows remember human faces? In other words, don't mess with...
Cover Characteristics: Book Covers featuring People Holding Glowy Magic in Their Hands

Cover Characteristics: Book Covers featuring People Holding Glowy Magic in Their Hands

I know you must be thinking whaaaaaaa? But allow me to explain. My first response is that this was not the official topic this week for the meme. (Really, Kristen? Shocking. I know.) My second response is that I know it is highly specific, but yes, there actually *are* a lot of covers that have exactly this on them. I think it's an urban fantasy thing. And since I read a lot of urban fantasy, I...