My 4-year blogoversary is this week! And each year I like to do some sort of post to commemorate the event. (The word 'commemorate' makes it sound like a big deal when it's really not lol.) Anyway, this year I decided to talk about some of the ways my reading has changed since I've started book blogging. Are all of these changes because of blogging? Are some of them just correlation but not...
I know this is a discussion that not everyone will be able to participate in since not everyone reads books with sex scenes, but it seemed interesting, so I couldn't help myself. The way I review has evolved since I first started blogging, but so has what I'm comfortable talking about in my reviews. And when it comes to sex scenes in books, I've seen all different ways of handling that,...
I was actually inspired to write this post by Karen's discussion (and the ensuing comments from other bloggers) @ Kissin Blue Karen about whether or not you'd keep blogging if no one read your blog. It was interesting because it seems whether or not someone would continue their blog depends on why they blog, what they gain from it, etc. I for one would not keep blogging if no one read my blog,...
Sometimes we read each book in a series as they come out. Other times the books are all released, but we read them all spread out anyway. Other times we binge read all the books in a row. So that means sometimes we write reviews before we've read the rest of the books in a series, whereas other times we write reviews after we finished them all. What I want to know with this post is, do you write...
Last weekend was my anniversary of one year blogging, and while I don't have any real celebratory stuff planned, I do always find it fun to look back and see how much things have changed in life. Some of these I think about quite often just because they're so funny or absurd to me, but I'm sure we all committed some faux pas or had some weird thoughts regarding book blogging when we started, so I...
I feel like this might be some big taboo thing since blogging is supposed to be all about creating dazzling, shiny, *new* content. But this idea to revamp and repost book reviews, and the question of whether it's a good idea or not, came to me because I realized I have a whole bunch of reviews from when I first started blogging that have few or no comments and hardly got viewed since I was a...