Bloggy Musings: Do You Talk About Sex Scenes in Your Book Reviews?

Bloggy Musings: Do You Talk About Sex Scenes in Your Book Reviews?

I know this is a discussion that not everyone will be able to participate in since not everyone reads books with sex scenes, but it seemed interesting, so I couldn't help myself. The way I review has evolved since I first started blogging, but so has what I'm comfortable talking about in my reviews. And when it comes to sex scenes in books, I've seen all different ways of handling that,...
Bookish Musings: Why I Almost Never Give 1-Star Ratings

Bookish Musings: Why I Almost Never Give 1-Star Ratings

Somewhere amidst the various rating crises I've had since I started blogging, I realized that I rarely give 1-star ratings to books. Seriously, out of the 550+ books I've read since I starting rating books, I've only given a 1-star rating to 12 of them. That really doesn't seem like a lot. Then again, maybe that's normal and everyone gives very few 1-star ratings. What do I know? But I thought...
Bookish Musings: Top 5 Strangest Book Reviews I’ve Written

Bookish Musings: Top 5 Strangest Book Reviews I’ve Written

I like to think of this post as proof that a) you really don't need to write "professional" reviews to have a book blog, and b) positive reviews can in fact be fun! I also like finding ways to continue talking about great books that I totally recommend and think people should read, since oftentimes books just get forgotten after the review is posted, and this seemed like a good way to do...
Blogging Tips: Tips for Writing Book Reviews When You Don’t Have Much to Say

Blogging Tips: Tips for Writing Book Reviews When You Don’t Have Much to Say

I love writing book reviews, for the most part. I enjoy getting to share my thoughts and opinions and feelings about books and to know that other people actually read them and even sometimes find them helpful. But I know that some people struggle. And even I sometimes come across a book for which I just... don't know what to say. I also remember how much I struggled to figure out how to write...
Bookish Musings: Reviewing Books in Ongoing Series vs. Finished Series

Bookish Musings: Reviewing Books in Ongoing Series vs. Finished Series

Sometimes we read each book in a series as they come out. Other times the books are all released, but we read them all spread out anyway. Other times we binge read all the books in a row. So that means sometimes we write reviews before we've read the rest of the books in a series, whereas other times we write reviews after we finished them all. What I want to know with this post is, do you write...