The other week I talked about consistency in series book covers, but what I didn't mention in that post was book titles. And just like I love when covers are matchy and consistent, I love when titles are matchy and consistent too! I would never avoid or dislike a series just for having titles that don't relate, and in most cases it doesn't truly bother me, but it makes me extra happy when the...
Everyone get excited because it's time for another post about weird, interesting, funny book titles! Ok, fine, maybe it's not that exciting, but it's a fun post at least, and fun is always a good reason to get excited :-D Anyway, as someone who spends a lot of time on Goodreads and the ebook section of Amazon and NetGalley and basically every other bookish site out there, I inevitably come across...
I share a lot of book covers on this blog, but I also find myself noticing a lot of other bookish things like blurbs and titles, and sometimes I like to share those too. I mean, covers are not the only thing that influences my decision to buy or read a book. Titles are the first thing I see right along with the cover, and they probably have just as much influence since they often are what gives...