In Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, a scientist struggles with his morality while his friend tries to solve the mystery surrounding recent events. In Alice in Wonderland, a young girl falls down a rabbit hole and encounters all sorts of strange creatures. In Dracula, an infamous vampire terrorizes a town. Enjoy my mini reviews for these three...
Posts with Tag: Bram Stoker
Everyone seems to love Halloween, and every bookworm seems to love pretty book covers, so I made a post/tag to help us all celebrate both! It's really simple. All you have to do is find a book cover for each topic! It can be covers you love, books you've read, random covers---there are no rules. You can put your own spin on things. Do what you want :-) Just have fun, and please credit me for the...
I am a total chicken when it comes to horror. Really, I just can't handle it. I can probably count on my hands the number of scary movies I've watched, I have literally absolutely zero desire to go to things like Halloween Horror Nights, I don't particularly enjoy being scared the way some people do, and, well, I guess that has translated over into my reading since I don't really read horror...
Vampires!!! I know I've mentioned this numerous times on my blog, but they are my favorite---my favorite paranormal creature, and one of my favorite things to read about period. I'm not going to go into a whole speech about how much I love them. Instead, I'll just get straight to the covers! :-)> (That's my one-fanged vampire smiley. I've named him Eduardo. It was the best I could do since...
I did it! I actually did it! I saved my old email from the clutches of complete chaos and utter spamdom! See, I have this other email (not the one I use for blogging) that I used to use for everything. But over the years, it became completely overrun with newsletters and spam. You know how it is, you order something from a website one time, or you input your email for a contest, or you sign up...
I originally did a post about book covers featuring skulls roughly six months ago when it was the official topic of the week, but I kept finding so many great covers with skulls that I wanted to do it again! And something about a skull on a book cover just seems to automatically make it more interesting ;-) So here are some more awesome and gorgeous book covers for you all to...
Since I haven't said it yet, happy New Year to everyone! But here's the thing: I don't believe in New Year's resolutions. The concept behind them is great, but they backfire. They put into our minds that, the moment we falter, the whole thing's a bust, and now we have to wait until next year to try again. But we don't! It doesn't have to be the first day of a new year to make a change. It doesn't...