I try to group my quick review posts around a theme (or a series) as much as possible, so this time I’ve got four m/m fantasy romance books! One is historical fantasy set in our world, the rest are high fantasy set in made-up worlds. But all of these have a kind of similar vibe,...
Technically I'm a couple days early since August hasn't quite ended yet, but eh, I don't think anything noteworthy is gonna happen within the next day or two. Time is a blur this year anyway. Everything is starting to blend together. What even happened in August? Who knows! (I don't mean to make light of the terrible things that have been happening, but it's just a constant barrage, sometimes I...
Whew---try saying that title five times fast! ;-) In my last upcoming releases post, I wasn't able to include all the books I wanted to because they didn't all have covers or blurbs or Goodreads pages or even titles yet. I also knew I would end up finding more books I hadn't known about yet because that's always how these things go. So I'm back, and I'm just as excited to share with you all some...