This list is maybe a little different than usual because it only has six new books, and the other four are rereads. Turns out I did more rereading this year than I thought! But I feel like any book good enough to make me love it multiple times deserves to be praised multiple times, and these were my genuine ten favorite books this year. So without further ado, here they are, plus a few...
I wasn't going to do a top ten characters post this year, but then I remembered it would be a great excuse to talk about Gale from Baldur's Gate 3... So I'm doing a top ten characters post! I only have seven, it's just easier to keep the title and picture consistent each year. Also I'm going to be a bit lazy and copy+paste quotes from my reviews for some of the character descriptions. Work...
It's that time again for book covers! I think I have fewer than usual this year, believe it it not, since I read fewer books. Still have plenty though! I've said before and will say again that a book doesn't need an expensive, perfect cover. I would rather something basic or a stock photo than an AI cover. (If you don't believe me, check out my favorite books post that will come out soon!)...
This is my sixth post about opening lines (obviously), and I thought I’d switch it up a bit by making it a quiz! See if you can correctly guess which opening line goes with which book, based on covers and titles. I tried to choose books with opening lines that aren’t too vague, but also...
Guess what, everyone! I have something cool to share this time that isn't about games! It's peacocks! Well peacock. I heard a weird noise outside, so I opened my curtains and found this! Wild peafowl have lived around here for a long time. I saw some in front of the house once, like five years ago. But having one just outside my window with tail feathers all spread and everything was genuinely...
Labeled a deserter years ago, Jal is on a space station hoping to join a crew for a ride home, but he ends up on the ship of the man who used to be his closest friend. Things are tense between them, but the crew has bigger problems when they answer a distress call and learn about something that will cause mass death if they don't stop...