It's October, and I stumbled upon a couple Halloween-y book tags recently, so I figured, what the heck, let's do them! This one was created by Royal Reader (so be sure to credit them if you do the tag too), and I found it at Monstrumology. I'm not really a horror movie person, but luckily you don't need to be to do the...
When I first started book blogging in 2015, reading a story in comic form never even crossed my mind as a thing to do. This is probably going to sound horribly judgmental or maybe just ignorant, but when I thought of comics, I thought of superheroes and Sunday newspapers, and that was about it. That was all I knew of. But then I started hearing the term graphic novel, which somehow sounded a lot...
I just randomly searched the web for book tags one day and found this one at The Book Nut. The original doesn't seem to be around anymore. It seemed like an interesting one since it's different. Here's how it works: You must answer these questions without looking anything up on the internet and without looking at your bookshelves! That's it. Depending on your memory and books you've...
Yay, it's finally that time when I get to rave and fangirl about my favorite books of the year! Am I the only one who spends pretty much the entire year looking forward to this post? Anyway, as per usual, I made the graphic before the post, and, well, I have 11 instead of 10. (Well, technically I have 22 because of series.) But the more the merrier, right? Definitely. More books always = more...
Whew! It has been over a month since I have done a Weekly Update, and I have so much stuff to share all in one post now that it's a little overwhelming. I'm still not sure I'll be doing these every week though. I might switch to every other week or monthly. I'll figure something out eventually....
I sometimes share songs in my weekly updates, but other than that, I don't talk about music much. Which is a little odd considering I even have a page with book playlists I've created, and I love listening to music while I read and blog. I guess maybe I'm not the biggest music lover there ever was, but I do still love it! So this seemed like a fun tag :-) I found it over at Lindsey Reads, and...
Before he created Chester 5000, Robert worked at a foundry with George, and the two of them became fast friends while working together on new inventions. But between work stress, dangerous inventions, sexuality questions, overbearing orphanage mothers, and greedy bosses, what will happen to George and Isabelle's new marriage and Robert and Priscilla's struggling one? (This volume covers events...
Happy Easter to everyone who is celebrating, and Happy Sunday to everyone who is not :-) I have no idea if other people will be around blogging today, but I'm here anyway! Oh, and of course the guys across the hall have an Easter door decoration lol. Also, remember I showed you all the picture of the cat that loves belly rubs? Well I was talking to the woman downstairs who takes care of most of...