Bookish Musings: Opening Lines (7)

Bookish Musings: Opening Lines (7)

It’s the first month of the year, and I was thinking, what better time for a post about the first lines of books? So that’s what I’m doing! It’s getting hard to keep track and not repeat books when I’ve done this so many times. You’d think it wouldn’t be that hard, considering I’ve must’ve...
Bookish Musings: Top Ten Books/Series I Read in 2024 + Some Non-Bookish Things!

Bookish Musings: Top Ten Books/Series I Read in 2024 + Some Non-Bookish Things!

This list is maybe a little different than usual because it only has six new books, and the other four are rereads. Turns out I did more rereading this year than I thought! But I feel like any book good enough to make me love it multiple times deserves to be praised multiple times, and these were my genuine ten favorite books this year. So without further ado, here they are, plus a few...
Bookish Musings: Top Ten Characters from Books I Read & Games I Played in 2024

Bookish Musings: Top Ten Characters from Books I Read & Games I Played in 2024

I wasn't going to do a top ten characters post this year, but then I remembered it would be a great excuse to talk about Gale from Baldur's Gate 3... So I'm doing a top ten characters post! I only have seven, it's just easier to keep the title and picture consistent each year. Also I'm going to be a bit lazy and copy+paste quotes from my reviews for some of the character descriptions. Work...
Update: Life and Books (Nov 2024)

Update: Life and Books (Nov 2024)

I forgot last weekend that I was supposed to do an update post, but it worked out alright, I got my Christmas recs post out early in the month. But then I also forgot all week to make this post, so I'm making it after midnight when it's already supposed to be...
Book Review Update: The Usual Apocalypse by Christine Price

Book Review Update: The Usual Apocalypse by Christine Price

This is one of those weeks when I am just not feeling up to putting together a whole new post, and people probably aren't visiting blogs as much as usual this weekend, and I don't really have any books I feel like reviewing anyway (I don't review every book I read). Luckily, I reread this one recently, and although my feelings are mostly the same, I did bump my rating from 4.5 stars to 5 stars!...
Bookish Musings: Top Ten Books/Series I Read in 2020 + Some Non-Bookish Things

Bookish Musings: Top Ten Books/Series I Read in 2020 + Some Non-Bookish Things

*Announcer voice blasts out over the speakers*: And now... it's time for the main event! The cream of the crop! The cherry on top! The one, the only, the top ten books of the year post! RAAAAAAHHHHHHHH (Just humor me and imagine crowd sounds here.) Well that was fun! Maybe I should intro all my blog posts with an announcer... Anyway, this has been a weird year. Perhaps that explains why it was...
Bookish Musings: Top Ten Characters from Books I Read in 2020

Bookish Musings: Top Ten Characters from Books I Read in 2020

Next up for my end of the year posts is characters! The lifeblood of books! I just thought it was interesting to note that four of these are main characters, one is a love interest, three are side characters, and two are kind of cheating since I chose all the main characters. I could ramble some for the intro, but eh, no point in wasting time, let's just get to all of the characters I loved...
Book Review: In Darkness Bound (The Society Book 1) by Christine Price [+ Audiobook]

Book Review: In Darkness Bound (The Society Book 1) by Christine Price [+ Audiobook]

When telepathic college student Chris gets kidnapped and put into an underground supernatural research facility, he immediately forms a bond with Vance, one of the only other patients there. But both men also have feelings for the compassionate former-patient, now-assistant Simon, and they'll have to find a way that they can all escape if they want to be...
Update: Life and Books (Feb 2020)

Update: Life and Books (Feb 2020)

So, February is over, and it's been... a month. Not a good one, not a particularly worse than usual one, just a month, for me, at least. I tried three weeks of physical therapy for my weird nerve problem in my forehead, but I don't know if it's helped at all, and I'm just completely exhausted. My body can't take leaving the house that much. I'm going to try continuing with using a TENS machine...