It's my three year blogoversary! Well, on the 9th, which is not the exact day I'm posting this, but close enough! I'm too broke and stressed out to run a giveaway, but each year, to celebrate my blogoversary, I like to do some sort of post about my experiences blogging so far. The first year, I talked about 5 ways I've changed as a blogger after one year of blogging. The second year, I talked...
Alright, peeps. It's that time of year again when I tell you all about my favorite characters! I know this probably won't be my most popular post, but I love it nonetheless because characters are my lifeblood. They are what gives me the emotion and the feels when I read, and that's what I love most in books. I might still sometimes give a book a high rating even without great characters if it's...
Today's post is one that I have been looking forward to because I have two awesome things for you all! I recently got to read an ecopy of Mad God Walking thanks to City Owl Press, and I loved the unique protagonist and all the interesting magic, so I'm very excited to have author Connor Drexler on the blog today. He was kind enough to answer my questions about the book (as well as some other...
Damon grew up in the Sideways realm in a torturous place called the Night Hotel, but five years ago he escaped to the human realm and has since been trying to find his humanity with the help of Thom, a technomancer, and Sarah, a wizard. Damon is constantly battling the darkness inside of himself, but now he's also fighting against a group of wizards trying to destroy him, and he fears using his...
So... I've got a few random/awesome/interesting things to share with you all this week! First of all, I don't even understand technology. Remember about a month I told you all that the tap-to-click on my keyboard stopped working? Well... it's working again! Don't ask me how or why because I have no clue. Though I might just turn it off since I got used to clicking without it, and my fingers are...