I like to think of this post as proof that a) you really don't need to write "professional" reviews to have a book blog, and b) positive reviews can in fact be fun! I also like finding ways to continue talking about great books that I totally recommend and think people should read, since oftentimes books just get forgotten after the review is posted, and this seemed like a good way to do...
Yay, it's time for one of my favorite posts of the whole year because this is the post in which I get to talk about ALL the books that I loved most all at once! It's a post full of happiness and good feelings, and I get to reminisce about the highlights of my reading year. What more can any book blogger ask for? Anyway, I debated how to do this. I mean, there are standalones, there are complete...
Believe it or not, I've been wanting to do this post for a while (what with all the vampire books and urban fantasy I read, I come across a lot of quotes about blood), but it's kind of an odd topic, so October just seemed like the perfect time for it! Technically they're not all about blood, but they do involve blood in some way or another. Some I chose because they're funny, others because...
Having recently found out just how valuable Lucas is, Cavalo now has to decide whether to return Lucas to the tribe of cannibalistic "Dead Rabbits" and save his people in Cottonwood, or to keep Lucas safe and go to war. With the help of his dog, his robot friend, and the mute psychopath who has somehow gotten past his barriers and under his skin, Cavalo will have to use the remains of his sanity...
Guess what, everyone... My blog is a year old! Yay, happy blogiversary to me :-) But I'll talk a bit more about that below. I do have a few real life things to mention. First of all, I've still been drinking kombucha since it's good for me, even if it's not giving me the energy boost I originally thought it was, and I have a word of advice: Never---I mean NEVER---try blue-green algae kombucha....