Abaddon is terrible at being a devil and hasn't met his soul acquisition quota, so he heads to Earth and finds the brightest soul he's ever seen, one that's sure to fill his quota---a religiously devout musician named Seth. But the more time he spends around Seth and his unusual abilities, the more conflicted he feels about damning him to Hell, even though letting him go could mean losing him...
Posts with Tag: Damned If You Do
So, February is over, and it's been... a month. Not a good one, not a particularly worse than usual one, just a month, for me, at least. I tried three weeks of physical therapy for my weird nerve problem in my forehead, but I don't know if it's helped at all, and I'm just completely exhausted. My body can't take leaving the house that much. I'm going to try continuing with using a TENS machine...