In honor of Valentine's Day, I have decided to make a post for all the people out there who are NOT looking for love! Well, not in books, at least ;-) Romance in books is great. I like it. I really do! But, on occasion, I'm just not in the mood for it. And a book doesn't have to have romance to be amazing! I can't promise there's not a single mention of romance or feelings in all of these,...
M can do magic, though he prefers not to call it that. Mostly, he just enjoys the positive effects and good luck it brings him so that he can travel the world, drink beer, get high, meet pretty women, play chess, and get into various different sorts of trouble. And now that M is back in New York, it doesn't take long for trouble, and everyone he knows---friend and foe---to find...
Happy October, everyone! Not that I really have a special affinity for the month, but it seemed a fitting way to start the post. I thought I was finally going to have a rant-free Weekly Update, but alas, it just wasn't meant to be. Something always has to go wrong, Murphy's Law and whatnot. But you know what's great about having a blog and having people who actually read it, other than the...