Book Review: The Electric Heir (Feverwake Book 2) by Victoria Lee [Audiobook]

Book Review: The Electric Heir (Feverwake Book 2) by Victoria Lee [Audiobook]

After the events of the last book, Noam turned to Lehrer, but with a shield on his mind, Lehrer's hold is broken, and Noam remembers the truth about everything and wants to bring him down. When he finds out Dara is still alive, Noam joins him as part of the resistance, but things aren't the same between them, and Dara knows that Lehrer is more dangerous than Noam...
Book Review: Conviction (Dominion Book 3) by Lissa Kasey

Book Review: Conviction (Dominion Book 3) by Lissa Kasey

Kelly, Jamie, Seiran, and Gabe have all decided to take a ski trip in order to relax and get some time away after all the problems they've dealt with lately, and Kelly is also secretly hoping it'll give him more time with Jamie since he's crushing on him. But when anunnatural storm blows in and traps them all at the resort and Kelly starts having strange visions, they suspect one of their enemies...