Book Recs: 10 Books about Dragons… Kinda

Book Recs: 10 Books about Dragons… Kinda

As a fantasy lover who leans more to the paranormal/urban fantasy side of the genre, and who usually sticks to smaller or romance-focused stories when reading high fantasy, I don't tend to read a lot about your average scary, large, fire-breathing kind of dragon. I have, however, read some books about dragon shifters, humanoid dragons, half-dragon beings, and dragons who are otherwise somewhat...
Bookish Musings: Top Ten Books/Series I Read in 2019 + Some Non-Bookish Things

Bookish Musings: Top Ten Books/Series I Read in 2019 + Some Non-Bookish Things

I know I say this every year, but this really is one of my favorite posts of the year. What book blogger doesn't love talking about their favorite books??? I was afraid I might not find as many great books as usual this year since I wasn't able to read as many, but it turns out I went for quality over quantity because I still found so many amazing ones. So here are my top ten top eleven favorites...
Cover Characteristics: Best Book Covers from Books I Read in 2019

Cover Characteristics: Best Book Covers from Books I Read in 2019

I haven't been able to put together book cover posts lately because of my headache problems, but nobody panic! I still managed to make this post to showcase some of my favorite covers from the books I read this year :-) Unfortunately I couldn't include ALL the covers I loved (there were so many!), and I couldn't make the collage, but I've still got some super gorgeous book covers here, and I...
Update: Life and Books (Mar 2019)

Update: Life and Books (Mar 2019)

Hello again, my fellow book loving peeps. I gotta be honest, I am still struggling a lot. Both physically and mentally, for numerous reasons that I don't feel like getting into (if you've been reading my updates, you know some of them). I just feel so drained at this point. So blogging has been a bit of a struggle too. I just haven't had the energy to go through literally hundreds of posts on...
Cover Characteristics: Book Covers featuring Hair

Cover Characteristics: Book Covers featuring Hair

Ok, I had way too much fun with this post. This is not the official topic this week, but I didn't care for the official topic and got inspired when I came across one cover in particular and was mesmerized by how gorgeous the character's hair was, so here we are. I happen to love long hair, I think it's pretty, so basically I just went and found a whole bunch of covers with long, flowing,...