In Galdranorn and the Fury, Ceres, a snow creature, wakes up in Galdranorn's home after being poisoned and, upon realizing how terrible Galdranorn's life has been, decides to help him. In iZombie Vol. 3, zombie girl Gwen and her friends get into more supernatural trouble, and a bigger threat gets closer. In Sex Criminals Vol. 3, Jon and Suzie attempt to find others like them in order to join...
Posts with Tag: Galdranorn and the Fury
My tennis elbow is hurting too much to ignore and I've actually been trying to rest it the past couple days, so I don't know how much commenting I'll be able to do today. I might have to leave a quick, generic comment sometimes just to let you know I stopped by or only comment every other Sunday or something because Sundays are the hardest on my arm, but I don't want you all to think I don't care...