Book Recs: 10 Queer Christmas-Themed Sci-Fi/Fantasy Books (2)

Book Recs: 10 Queer Christmas-Themed Sci-Fi/Fantasy Books (2)

It's been a couple years since I did a Christmas books recommendation post. To be honest, I didn't read any Christmas books last year. But they can be lovely when you're in the right mood, especially in December! So I've finally found some more books for people to enjoy. Specifically queer ones, even though all my holiday lists have at least some queer books. I haven't read most of these, so...
Book Recs: 10 Queer Christmas-Themed Sci-Fi/Fantasy Books

Book Recs: 10 Queer Christmas-Themed Sci-Fi/Fantasy Books

I'm back with more SFF Christmas book recommendations! Earlier this time, in case people need them for readathons or are already feeling the holiday spirit. Also queerer! My other posts, which I'll link to below, have lots of queer books too, so check those out if you're looking for more, but I decided this time I wanted them all to be queer. They're all m/m, but I went with a broader title so...
Quick Reviews: The Remaking of Corbin Wale // My Christmas Spirit // Christmas Spirit // The Vet’s Christmas Familiar // A Christmas Carriage Ride

Quick Reviews: The Remaking of Corbin Wale // My Christmas Spirit // Christmas Spirit // The Vet’s Christmas Familiar // A Christmas Carriage Ride

I've got some more holiday book reviews! I know, I know, I've done a lot of Christmas posts this year, and I might still do one or two more quick reviews, but I'll be getting back to the usual stuff soon. Anyway, most of these are about Christmas, but one is more about general holidays with a bit of Hanukkah. Most are m/m. One is a collection of short stories. And yes, two have the words...
Bookish Tag Post: Christmas Book Covers Tag [Original]

Bookish Tag Post: Christmas Book Covers Tag [Original]

I wanted to do something Christmassy and simple and fun today since Christmas is less than a week away. A few years back, I did a Halloween book covers tag, so I thought I'd do one for this holiday too. My tags are chill, so if you want to join, the only rule is to give me credit by linking back to this post! Some of the topics are difficult, so if you want to skip them or replace them or do your...