Bookish Musings: Why I Love Graphic Novels & Comics (Sometimes Even More than Regular Books)

Bookish Musings: Why I Love Graphic Novels & Comics (Sometimes Even More than Regular Books)

When I first started book blogging in 2015, reading a story in comic form never even crossed my mind as a thing to do. This is probably going to sound horribly judgmental or maybe just ignorant, but when I thought of comics, I thought of superheroes and Sunday newspapers, and that was about it. That was all I knew of. But then I started hearing the term graphic novel, which somehow sounded a lot...
The Weekly Update: 7/23/17

The Weekly Update: 7/23/17

Honestly I considered not even posting today because I'm tired and stressed, plus my arms are bad this week. But this was already half finished, so it seemed like a waste of arm pain to not just post it in case any of you are interested in what books I got/read over the past week. Oh! I almost forgot, I watched Descendants 2. I thought the first movie was really silly and not very good, but I...