This sounds like it's going to be a really sad or mean kinda tag, right? But don't you fret, it's actually really fun. The way it works is, you take 30 characters from books you've read, you choose two to use for each question, then you decide which is the better of the two for the answer. I tried to keep this as random as possible, so I chose the books mostly randomly by using my Goodreads...
Upon finding that Syl's old home in the sewers of Elite has been attacked by Cull, they head out to find the survivors in order to warn them of Lexion's plans to kill them. But not everyone they find is welcoming of them, and the leader doesn't heed Syl's warning that they need to move. Syl and Bastion grow closer amidst all the turmoil, but that won't matter if Lexion finds...
Why is it still sporadically reaching lows of 62 in May in a place where we don't even get winter? And who thought 9 in the morning on a Saturday was a good time to feed a whole tree through a wood chipper right outside my window? These are the burning questions I have this week. Other than that, I ain't got no real life news. Doing lots of different things for my tennis elbow and trying to...
So you know how I usually choose ten covers/series for my Cover Characteristic posts? Well... Hahahahahahahahaha---Not happening this time. I don't know what happened this year, if it was just coincidence or if I started judging books more by their covers and letting myself be drawn in by all the pretty ones, but I read SO MANY books with gorgeous covers this year, and I want to share them all....
I wasn't planning on doing this tag since I've never actually done any tags before, but I figured this would be my one and only chance since the Olympics don't last very long and won't be around for another four years... So here I am! Doing my first tag. I have to admit I don't watch many of the sports, but, since I used to be a gymnast, I am always super excited about the summer Olympics just...
Syl has spent her whole life living in sewers with a few fellow humans, scavenging for food, and fighting off the Cull, genetically spliced, half-human/half-bug creatures. But then Syl gets captured, gets her own DNA spliced, and escapes into New Elite, a city she never even knew existed where androids reign. Bastion has his own problems---he's a Glitch, an android with emotion, and will be...
Did I not say---Did. I. Not. Say. Last week. That my computer would probably come back and end up not being fixed? BECAUSE THAT IS WHAT HAPPENED. Toshiba sent me back my "repaired" laptop, BUT IT'S STILL BROKEN. It's still doing the EXACT same thing I sent it in for. I am so exhausted and stressed from all this that I literally put a whole tray of broccoli in the oven the other night and waited...