It's my three year blogoversary! Well, on the 9th, which is not the exact day I'm posting this, but close enough! I'm too broke and stressed out to run a giveaway, but each year, to celebrate my blogoversary, I like to do some sort of post about my experiences blogging so far. The first year, I talked about 5 ways I've changed as a blogger after one year of blogging. The second year, I talked...
I wasn't planning on doing this tag since I've never actually done any tags before, but I figured this would be my one and only chance since the Olympics don't last very long and won't be around for another four years... So here I am! Doing my first tag. I have to admit I don't watch many of the sports, but, since I used to be a gymnast, I am always super excited about the summer Olympics just...
I'll be the first to admit this was not an easy Top Ten Tuesday for me because I don't read a lot of popular series. I struggled for a bit, considered recommending books based on Disney movies, considered making a list just about a genre or general topic, considered going with something relating to vampires, then finally ended up making a list with all different books (...well, plus one TV show)...
Thomas and his friends have finally reached the safe house and are told the tests are over, but are they really? Thomas and some of his fellow Gladers are done trusting WICKED, are determined to do what's right, and are willing to do whatever it takes to save their friends and anyone else WICKED might get their hands...
Just when they thought they were safe, Thomas and the Gladers find out the maze was only Phase 1 of the experiment--the easy part. Now they have to make their way across a hundred miles of the Scorch, a barren, desert wasteland to get to a safehouse with nothing but the food in their packs as they battle the weather, outsiders bent on killing them, and maybe even each...
Thomas awakens with no memory of his life or anything about himself other than his name only to find himself in the middle of a giant, creature-filled maze with a group of teenage guys who've been living there for years. None of them know how or why they've been put there, but they're determined to solve the maze and find a way...
I had to edit the topic a bit because I literally had NOTHING for the original. Finished series that I want to read and have started but not yet finished? What is that? What does that even mean?! I'm a binge reader! If I like a series, I'll read a book, sometimes two, a day until I finish it. I just can't help myself. Seriously, I don't understand all you people who can just take a year long...