Cover Characteristics: Book Covers featuring Alcoholic Beverages

Cover Characteristics: Book Covers featuring Alcoholic Beverages

I feel like urban fantasy and alcoholic beverages make an oddly good combination in books, or at least on book covers. However, I couldn't actually find very *many* covers with alcoholic drinks on them that I liked. So I expanded a bit and included a couple covers that just had drinks in general. And now, since I don't have anything more to say about alcohol, I'm just going to get on with the...
Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Laugh Out Loud Book Blurbs

Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Laugh Out Loud Book Blurbs

This was a hard post to put together because I only had three that I could think of off the top of my head. Aside from those, I'm lucky if I even vaguely remember what a book is about let alone whether or not I was entertained by its blurb. But TTT freebies are like the bane of my existence, and I couldn't think of anything else good, so I stuck with it. I looked through my TBR and checked out...
Cover Characteristics: Book Covers featuring the Moon

Cover Characteristics: Book Covers featuring the Moon

So how perfect is this topic for a blog named Metaphors and *Moonlight*? Granted I went with the blog name because I like the night rather than the actual moon, but the moon is, you know, also nice. And kind of important. Just a little. (Did you know that, without it, our days would be shorter and the earth's axis would vary, causing extreme climate change like ice in Africa? I got curious lol....