Bookish Musings: 10 Book Quotes that Have Stuck With Me

Bookish Musings: 10 Book Quotes that Have Stuck With Me

I love book quotes! I'm a quote hoarder. But I didn't need to look through my hoard of quotes for this post because it's all about the ones that have stuck in my mind. These are not necessarily meaningful quotes. They run the gamut from beautiful to emotional to funny to horrifying. You'll see. They're just the ones I still think about because they hit hard in the book or were so...
Book Review: Kings Rising (Captive Prince Trilogy Book 3) by C. S. Pacat

Book Review: Kings Rising (Captive Prince Trilogy Book 3) by C. S. Pacat

Damen has some of his Akielon soldiers backing him as their king now that they've found him alive, but his identity has been discovered by the Veretians as well, and Damen will have to face Laurent, the prince who has sworn to kill him but who Damen was come to feel something for during their time together. The Regent is readying for war though and attempting to take over Akielos as well as Vere,...
Bookish Tag Post: You’re Not Good Enough Tag

Bookish Tag Post: You’re Not Good Enough Tag

This sounds like it's going to be a really sad or mean kinda tag, right? But don't you fret, it's actually really fun. The way it works is, you take 30 characters from books you've read, you choose two to use for each question, then you decide which is the better of the two for the answer. I tried to keep this as random as possible, so I chose the books mostly randomly by using my Goodreads...
Bookish Musings: Top Ten Books I Read in 2017

Bookish Musings: Top Ten Books I Read in 2017

Yay, it's finally that time when I get to rave and fangirl about my favorite books of the year! Am I the only one who spends pretty much the entire year looking forward to this post? Anyway, as per usual, I made the graphic before the post, and, well, I have 11 instead of 10. (Well, technically I have 22 because of series.) But the more the merrier, right? Definitely. More books always = more...
The Weekly Update: 3/26/17

The Weekly Update: 3/26/17

First of all, I want to give a big, giant thank you to everyone who commented last week! I didn't even go around commenting on other Sunday Posts myself and instead waited for you all to come to me first because I was worried my post might be too long or make other people uncomfortable, and I didn't want anyone to feel obligated to comment. But you all came and commented anyway and just further...