Cover Characteristics: Best Book Covers from Books I Read in 2018

Cover Characteristics: Best Book Covers from Books I Read in 2018

I feel like this is my most anticipated post every year. I mean, I don't know what you all anticipate, but *I* anticipate it. Book covers are my jam. Little mini works of art! So I love looking back through what I've read and finding the most gorgeous ones. I don't know if book covers have been getting prettier, or if I've just been more drawn to pretty ones since I started blogging, but wow, I...
Update: Life and Books (9/9/18)

Update: Life and Books (9/9/18)

It's been another month since I've done one of these updates, and a while since I've done any discussions, because I've still been exhausted and, quite honestly, upset. I need to vent (When did my blog become my diary? I have no idea, but apparently it has.), and hopefully you'll forgive me for being so negative when I explain. (Or you can skip the intro if you don't want to read about more...
Book Review: Beautiful Beast by Kyla D. Knight

Book Review: Beautiful Beast by Kyla D. Knight

When Axis accidentally puts the beautiful stranger Layna in danger, he invites her to stay in his castle where she'll be safe, but Axis, a shifter, has lost control of his wolf form, and that could put Layna in an entirely different dangerous situation when the two of them start falling for each other. Meanwhile, Layna knows Axis is keeping secrets and wants to figure them out and help Axis...