I like doing these opening lines posts. I never remember what the opening lines of books are, so it's always interesting to go back and see them. Also interesting to see the variety they have. I tend to choose books pretty randomly and just see what I get, so these aren't the ones I think are good or bad or anything, they just are. (Though I do like to choose a favorite, because why not?) As I...
Here we are, the last blog post of the year! It might be the new year by the time you're reading this, but still, it's my last 2023 post, and I guess I saved the best for last? Since I am talking about my favorite books from the year. (All of which are queer, btw! Love that!) I'm grateful to have found these, and all the other great books I read this year, because they brought me joy or...
It's actually become increasingly harder for me over the years to choose favorite characters from books because I don't really have favorites the way I used to. Which is not an insult to authors, they are still writing great characters! But it's more that I love the way they fit into their stories and the dynamics they have with other characters. I guess, I'm finding it harder now to separate...
It's that time of year again! The time when I share all my favorite covers from the books I read! Covers aren't everything, obviously, but I do love a good one. So here are some good amazing ones! I'm not going to talk about every single individual cover, but I'll drop some thoughts I have here and...
Gwen and Arthur (not that Gwen and Arthur, just named for them) are betrothed, but Gwen likes girls, Arthur likes boys, and they both dislike each other. But when they discover this common ground, they realize they might be able to be friends and not be as miserable as they...
I always feel like I should announce it in the title when I make art because it happens so rarely, but I'm not that enthused about this one, so it felt weird to draw attention to... Anyway, I played some more games. I mentioned giving up on Brookhaven Grimoire last time, but I went back to it and ended up finishing the game. There was a frustrating lack of guidance for the player, but I loved...