Quick Reviews: A Bunch of Anthologies – The Ghost Variations // 18 Wheels of Science Fiction // My Monster Boyfriend // Silver // Ambrosia // Can I Pet Your Werewolf

Quick Reviews: A Bunch of Anthologies – The Ghost Variations // 18 Wheels of Science Fiction // My Monster Boyfriend // Silver // Ambrosia // Can I Pet Your Werewolf

Anthologies! Sometimes I like to start my posts by just shouting the thing they're about. Easier than thinking of good intros. So anyway, I have a bunch of anthologies (and one collection) I reviewed elsewhere years ago but never posted here. Both normal and graphic novels. To be honest, most of these were not really for me. I've tried to get into anthologies. They always sound so fun....
Quick Reviews: Waiting // Underhill // Once Upon a Western Shore // To Find Him and Love Him Again

Quick Reviews: Waiting // Underhill // Once Upon a Western Shore // To Find Him and Love Him Again

I've reviewed the previous books in this series with mini reviews on the blog, so I wanted to at least do one of these quick review posts for the rest now that I've read them. Since they all have the same "Recommended For" and mostly the same tags, I'll just do those sections once at the end. This series sort of had its ups and downs, but overall, it had a wonderful romance/relationship/family...