Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Books to Read If You’re in the Mood to Laugh

Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Books to Read If You’re in the Mood to Laugh

This week we've been given a partial freebie for Top Ten Tuesday: "Books to Read If You're in the Mood for..." But my whole blog is practically books to read if you're in the mood for sci-fi/fantasy, and I don't even have ten recommendations for books in any other genre. That's why I thought it'd be fun to do something more specific---funny books! I don't know about you, but sometimes I just am...
The Weekly Update: 2/21/16

The Weekly Update: 2/21/16

Since I have no legitimate real life news or updates this week, instead I'm gonna tell you all about a weird dream I had. It wasn't weird in the conventional sense (well, I mean, it was, but my dreams are pretty much always weird, so that makes it normal), it was weird in that I experienced the dream from two different perspectives. I was with this small group of people, and we were escaping or...
Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Bookish Goals for the New Year

Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Bookish Goals for the New Year

Since I haven't said it yet, happy New Year to everyone! But here's the thing: I don't believe in New Year's resolutions. The concept behind them is great, but they backfire. They put into our minds that, the moment we falter, the whole thing's a bust, and now we have to wait until next year to try again. But we don't! It doesn't have to be the first day of a new year to make a change. It doesn't...