Book Recs: 10 Lesser-Known M/M Urban Fantasy Series

Book Recs: 10 Lesser-Known M/M Urban Fantasy Series

I love paranormal and urban fantasy! I could give tons of recommendations, depending on how loosely you define "urban fantasy." For this, I tried to stick to what most people probably think of---our world (though maybe with known existence of magic), modern times, not too slow or rural, at least some action/battles---though I did slip a few in that don't fit the criteria perfectly. I could give...
Book Recs: 10 Sci-Fi/Fantasy Books to Make You Laugh

Book Recs: 10 Sci-Fi/Fantasy Books to Make You Laugh

It feels like everyone could use a bit more joy and laughter right now, so I've put this post together in the hopes of helping some people find that! I'm not promising there's nothing sad or serious in these books. Just that these books have made me laugh or are fun and silly enough to be a nice distraction from real life. I'll try to give some info as to the mood of each book, to the best of...
Bookish Musings: Top Ten Books/Series I Read in 2020 + Some Non-Bookish Things

Bookish Musings: Top Ten Books/Series I Read in 2020 + Some Non-Bookish Things

*Announcer voice blasts out over the speakers*: And now... it's time for the main event! The cream of the crop! The cherry on top! The one, the only, the top ten books of the year post! RAAAAAAHHHHHHHH (Just humor me and imagine crowd sounds here.) Well that was fun! Maybe I should intro all my blog posts with an announcer... Anyway, this has been a weird year. Perhaps that explains why it was...
Bookish Musings: Top Ten Characters from Books I Read in 2020

Bookish Musings: Top Ten Characters from Books I Read in 2020

Next up for my end of the year posts is characters! The lifeblood of books! I just thought it was interesting to note that four of these are main characters, one is a love interest, three are side characters, and two are kind of cheating since I chose all the main characters. I could ramble some for the intro, but eh, no point in wasting time, let's just get to all of the characters I loved...
Book Recs: My 5 Favorite Books in 5 Years of Blogging

Book Recs: My 5 Favorite Books in 5 Years of Blogging

My blog is five years old! (Well, a couple days ago, if we're being exact.) And although lately I haven't been blogging as much as I used to, I still love books, and I figured a fun way to celebrate my blogoversary would be to talk about my favorite books and series. I decided to stick with finished series, because that made it less complicated, but it's also all the more reason to give some...
Bookish Musings: Character Names I’ve Mispronounced

Bookish Musings: Character Names I’ve Mispronounced

This is just a quick, fun post because I haven't done any fun posts or discussions in a while. I had really wanted to get something else posted today, to be honest, because I have a couple posts that really ought to be posted at the beginning of the year, but oh well. My headaches have been too much of a problem lately, and those posts require too much staring at the computer screen, so hopefully...
Bookish Musings: Top Ten Books I Read in 2017

Bookish Musings: Top Ten Books I Read in 2017

Yay, it's finally that time when I get to rave and fangirl about my favorite books of the year! Am I the only one who spends pretty much the entire year looking forward to this post? Anyway, as per usual, I made the graphic before the post, and, well, I have 11 instead of 10. (Well, technically I have 22 because of series.) But the more the merrier, right? Definitely. More books always = more...
Bookish Musings: Top Ten Characters from Books I Read in 2017

Bookish Musings: Top Ten Characters from Books I Read in 2017

This post was harder than I thought it would be. Not because I didn't read about any great characters but because---and this sounds weird to say---I don't know what I should consider my "favorite" anymore. Characters who are complex and superbly well-written? Characters who are likeable people? Characters who make me feel for them? Characters I want to date or be friends with? So I decided to...
Book Review: Real Vampires Take No Prisoners (Real Vampires Don’t Sparkle Book 3) by Amy Fecteau [+ Audiobook]

Book Review: Real Vampires Take No Prisoners (Real Vampires Don’t Sparkle Book 3) by Amy Fecteau [+ Audiobook]

Matheus thought getting Quin back would fix everything, but now he has even more problems. Between Apollonia's attempts to take down Matheus's group, Carsten going completely crazy in his quest to eradicate all vampires, Fletcher's concern that her unborn baby is in danger, Alistair's heartbreak, Quin's amnesia, and all the pressure of being a leader and feeling responsible for everyone, Matheus...
Book Review: Real Vampires Do It in the Dark (Real Vampires Don’t Sparkle Book 2) by Amy Fecteau [+ Audiobook]

Book Review: Real Vampires Do It in the Dark (Real Vampires Don’t Sparkle Book 2) by Amy Fecteau [+ Audiobook]

When Matheus and Quin get into an argument and Quin leaves, Matheus finds himself alone, homeless, and broke in the middle of a dangerous feud among the remaining vampire leaders. Despite their distaste for each other, Matheus and Alistair come together to figure out what to do about Apollonia's reign and how to find and get back Quin. *This is a repost, but I've reread the book and changed the...