Cover Characteristics: Best Book Covers from Books I Read in 2017

Cover Characteristics: Best Book Covers from Books I Read in 2017

Gah, you all know how much I love book covers, so I literally look forward to this post all year. I didn't go quite as crazy as I did last year, but I suppose I went crazy enough. But hey, it's the end of the year! And covers are pretty to look at! And people worked hard to make these! So the more, the merrier, I say. But, though I love all of these, I did pick ten to discuss and managed to...
Mini Reviews: Science Fiction – The Human Wilderness, Scardust, Foamers

Mini Reviews: Science Fiction – The Human Wilderness, Scardust, Foamers

In The Human Wilderness, a man living post-apocalypse braves the danger outside his settlement as he attempts to save girls who have been going missing from all over the area. In Scardust, Raleigh just wants to complete his goal of scattering his brother's ashes on Mars, but when a strange man falls from the sky with no memory of who he is and the two start unintentionally swapping memories,...
The Weekly Update: 4/23/17

The Weekly Update: 4/23/17

My tennis elbow is hurting too much to ignore and I've actually been trying to rest it the past couple days, so I don't know how much commenting I'll be able to do today. I might have to leave a quick, generic comment sometimes just to let you know I stopped by or only comment every other Sunday or something because Sundays are the hardest on my arm, but I don't want you all to think I don't care...