This post is a bit late, so some of these books are already out, but that just means you can immediately start reading them if they sound good to you! I haven't been on bookish social media much lately, so I had to do some searching to find these, and I was worried I'd have a hard time finding ten books to use. Instead I had a hard time narrowing the list down! Almost all of these are...
Denver is an autistic, nonbinary pie blogger who doesn't fit in and feels like xe is hated by everyone in xyr small town. But when an alien invasion happens, xe teams up with a few people, including a cute bartender xe just met, to try and survive and maybe even stop the...
It's been a couple years since I did a Christmas books recommendation post. To be honest, I didn't read any Christmas books last year. But they can be lovely when you're in the right mood, especially in December! So I've finally found some more books for people to enjoy. Specifically queer ones, even though all my holiday lists have at least some queer books. I haven't read most of these, so...
Andrew and Jamie have joined a settlement trying to rebuild in the post-apocalyptic world, but while Andrew has started making the place a home, Jamie still wants to leave. When things start going wrong, survival becomes priority again, but they'll still have to decide what's most important to...
When a new problem arises, Jal reluctantly turns to the Ambit crew for help, even though he doesn't want them mixed up in trouble too. But they find themselves in the middle of a bigger mystery than they...
Anthologies! Sometimes I like to start my posts by just shouting the thing they're about. Easier than thinking of good intros. So anyway, I have a bunch of anthologies (and one collection) I reviewed elsewhere years ago but never posted here. Both normal and graphic novels. To be honest, most of these were not really for me. I've tried to get into anthologies. They always sound so fun....
Wow, that was a lot of adjectives. But I wanted everyone to know these graphic novels are not only queer, and not only sci-fi/fantasy, they are also very aesthetically pleasing. To me, at least. And all in color! Some of my favorite graphic novels are in black and white, so no disrespect toward that choice, but colorful comics can be a real feast for the eyeballs. Maybe I can do beautiful black...
January is an Earth refugee on Mars, where Senator Gale is pushing to make Earthstrongers undergo a process that will acclimate them to Mars gravity but harm their bodies. When January ends up in a bad spot, he agrees to a marriage with Gale that will benefit them both. But there are mysteries surrounding Gale, and the senator is not at all what January...
Aiden is a courier trying to make a delivery that could help save the people left in the world after a zombie-like virus. Zach has been surviving on his own since the uncle he was staying with died. When the two find each other, they can't stop the feelings that form, but their secrets might ruin...
Ethan is a healer in a future where his and other abilities are well-known. One night, Ethan saves the heir to a big pharma/water company, and her brother starts trying to woo him. The two men start falling for each other, but Ethan also finds himself in the middle of secrets, politics, crime, and Javier's messed up...