Book Review: Seti’s Heart by Kiernan Kelly

Book Review: Seti’s Heart by Kiernan Kelly

Logan is miserable working in the bowels of the museum as an assistant to the cranky curator, Perry, so, when he gets a chance one day, he opens the door he's never supposed to touch and accidentally awakens a cursed 5000-year-old mummy named Seti. But if Logan and Seti ever want a chance to explore the feelings blossoming between them, they'll have to avoid getting caught by Perry, his...
The Weekly Update: 7/16/17

The Weekly Update: 7/16/17

I have some good news! I had a fantastic creative/bookish week! I read/received some books about uncommon supernatural creature MCs, ordered some books with gift card money while they were on sale and I had free shipping, and... I actually wrote something! Like, 3500 words of something! It's about Jacovine because I have #Jacovine4Lyf on the brain. (If you missed the post or have forgotten, I'm...