Bookish Musings: Mating Bonds Requiring Sex & Other Exclusionary Nonsense

Bookish Musings: Mating Bonds Requiring Sex & Other Exclusionary Nonsense

Look at me, doing a real discussion post! But this is one of those things I was just driven to talk about. Instead of, "I need a discussion post topic, let me think of something," it was, "These thoughts have bouncing around in my head, I should share them." Anyway, this might be a bit ranty, mostly about queer and disabled exclusion as it pertains to paranormal/fantasy/magic-related sex....
Bloggy Musings: Do You Talk About Sex Scenes in Your Book Reviews?

Bloggy Musings: Do You Talk About Sex Scenes in Your Book Reviews?

I know this is a discussion that not everyone will be able to participate in since not everyone reads books with sex scenes, but it seemed interesting, so I couldn't help myself. The way I review has evolved since I first started blogging, but so has what I'm comfortable talking about in my reviews. And when it comes to sex scenes in books, I've seen all different ways of handling that,...
Bookish Tag Post: NSFW Book Tag

Bookish Tag Post: NSFW Book Tag

I stumbled upon this book tag on YouTube and it seemed fun, plus I have been slowly losing my filter in regards to all things book-related, so I figured why not? But in case you don't know, NSFW stands for "Not Safe For Work." And, as the title suggests, I will be talking about some inappropriate things! (What fun would it be if I didn't?) So if the topic of sexy times and/or cannibalism in books...
Bookish Musings: Feminism and Double Standards in Books – Sexual Promiscuity

Bookish Musings: Feminism and Double Standards in Books – Sexual Promiscuity

I'm one of those people who thinks far too much. So, inevitably, I end up thinking a lot about the books I read and how they relate to life in general and to my own beliefs. And one of the things that comes up a lot for me is the way female characters are treated. I feel like people are often pointing out the flaws in books when it comes to how female characters are treated by other characters,...
Bookish Musings: Is 15 Years Old Too Young to Be Reading 50 Shades of Grey?

Bookish Musings: Is 15 Years Old Too Young to Be Reading 50 Shades of Grey?

It's time to talk about sex! Ok, ok, I'm not actually going to talk about sex per se, rather sex in books and whether it's appropriate for young readers. However, since there will be talk about sex in this post, consider this your warning if that makes you uncomfortable. Initially I wasn't going to join this discussion topic because I've never read 50 Shades of Grey, but then I kind of got...