Bookish Musings: Top Ten Books/Series I Read in 2020 + Some Non-Bookish Things

Bookish Musings: Top Ten Books/Series I Read in 2020 + Some Non-Bookish Things

*Announcer voice blasts out over the speakers*: And now... it's time for the main event! The cream of the crop! The cherry on top! The one, the only, the top ten books of the year post! RAAAAAAHHHHHHHH (Just humor me and imagine crowd sounds here.) Well that was fun! Maybe I should intro all my blog posts with an announcer... Anyway, this has been a weird year. Perhaps that explains why it was...
Update: Life and Books (Aug 2020)

Update: Life and Books (Aug 2020)

Technically I'm a couple days early since August hasn't quite ended yet, but eh, I don't think anything noteworthy is gonna happen within the next day or two. Time is a blur this year anyway. Everything is starting to blend together. What even happened in August? Who knows! (I don't mean to make light of the terrible things that have been happening, but it's just a constant barrage, sometimes I...
Cover Characteristics: Best Book Covers from Books I Read in 2019

Cover Characteristics: Best Book Covers from Books I Read in 2019

I haven't been able to put together book cover posts lately because of my headache problems, but nobody panic! I still managed to make this post to showcase some of my favorite covers from the books I read this year :-) Unfortunately I couldn't include ALL the covers I loved (there were so many!), and I couldn't make the collage, but I've still got some super gorgeous book covers here, and I...
Update: Life and Books (May 2019) + All My #Mermay Art!

Update: Life and Books (May 2019) + All My #Mermay Art!

So BEA just passed (or maybe is still happening?) and every other blogger will probably be sharing massive book hauls today. Not me. Instead, I just have LOTS OF MERFOLK! (This is going to be a very image-filled post ?) #Mermay has ended, but I ended up doing six pieces, which is five more than I thought I'd do, and also the most art I've done in a month probably ever. Last month I shared my...