Book Recs: 10 Lesser-Known M/M Urban Fantasy Series

Book Recs: 10 Lesser-Known M/M Urban Fantasy Series

I love paranormal and urban fantasy! I could give tons of recommendations, depending on how loosely you define "urban fantasy." For this, I tried to stick to what most people probably think of---our world (though maybe with known existence of magic), modern times, not too slow or rural, at least some action/battles---though I did slip a few in that don't fit the criteria perfectly. I could give...
Bookish Musings: Top Ten Characters from Books I Read in 2020

Bookish Musings: Top Ten Characters from Books I Read in 2020

Next up for my end of the year posts is characters! The lifeblood of books! I just thought it was interesting to note that four of these are main characters, one is a love interest, three are side characters, and two are kind of cheating since I chose all the main characters. I could ramble some for the intro, but eh, no point in wasting time, let's just get to all of the characters I loved...
Book Review: A Crown of Iron & Silver (Soulbound Book 3) by Hailey Turner [Audiobook]

Book Review: A Crown of Iron & Silver (Soulbound Book 3) by Hailey Turner [Audiobook]

Patrick has been assigned to find the Morrigan Staff, given a case about a changeling child, and confronted by some fae who need his help, and all three of these quickly become intertwined when Patrick, Jono, their pack, and Patrick's old team from the military cross over into the Faery realm and start making more deals with the fae. Secrets come to light that threaten to tear their group apart,...
Book Review: All Souls Near & Nigh (Soulbound Book 2) by Hailey Turner

Book Review: All Souls Near & Nigh (Soulbound Book 2) by Hailey Turner

After only a brief break, Patrick gets a case about werecreatures turning up dead, and unfortunately the gods are involved once again, including some Patrick hasn't yet met. Patrick also makes a deal with Lucien to take down another vampire in order to erase the debt he owes him. And throughout it all, Patrick and Jono are trying to figure how to work together in their brand new...