Book Review: Starfire by Naomi Hughes

Book Review: Starfire by Naomi Hughes

Seventeen-year-old Peregrine lives on a planet surrounded by a barrier that keeps out star dragons, but he's been having strange dreams and a pull to the sky that he needs to understand, further fueled by his harm OCD and belief that his family would be safer with him not around. When a dragon breaks through the barrier, Per gets on a submarine headed for the breach to try and learn...
Book Recs: 5 Popular Gay Space Books Worth the Hype

Book Recs: 5 Popular Gay Space Books Worth the Hype

As much as I love lesser-known hidden gem kinda books, I do read popular books too, and sometimes hyped books are in fact worth the hype. So I am very glad I read these! They're all fantastic, and some of them are among my absolute favorites. So if you haven't read them yet, but you like queer books and books set in outer space, consider giving these a...
Book Recs: 10 Lesser-Known Gay Space Books to Check Out

Book Recs: 10 Lesser-Known Gay Space Books to Check Out

Outer space is, well, scary, if I'm being honest. But also cool! In fiction, at least. So I have compiled a list of books that are set in space and on other planets and also gay. (A term I am using broadly, since these are mostly m/m, but there is one about a nonbinary character.) About half are romance-centric, the other half have some romance but it's small or not the only focus. But I enjoyed...